Would have been a lot cooler if people actually voted and we would not be in this situation….
Would be cool if americans weren’t fucking stupid enough to vote a literal felon into office whose promises included: removal of freedoms, removal of human rights, crashing the economy, corruption, ignoring the constitution, reintroducing overt systematic racism, more expenses for anyone not a millionaire, aligning US with the evil countries, not only distancing from but invading long time allies.
It was all there. Everyone who didn’t vote, voted for randoms or voted for democrats, this is on you for not educating your fellow countrymen on why voting for trump is a bad idea. Take responsibility and use the immeasurable wealth of evidence generated every single day by the administration to convince people to see why there needs to be an urgent change.
I handed them the evidence. I used non biased AP articles. I showed them side by side comparisons of Project 2025 and Agenda 47. They ignored me and called me an extremist and an alarmist. What the fuck else could I have done?
You can not give up. Keep at it! The alarmist theories are not so alarmist now that there is evidence proving it.
If you voted Trump, I refuse to interact with you at all these days. They don’t have shame. They think he’s doing great. Several have been absolutely shocked when they came to me to help them with things I normally would, and I told them to get off my property before I trespass them. When they ask why, I tell them, this is what they voted for. I no longer tolerate their presence, since they are intolerant of my friends and family.
It’s easy to get on your high horse on Lemmy from another continent and call all Americans stupid. Most people literally did not know those things. The spin put on those issues across the whole of mainstream media was insane, to say nothing of the outright propaganda from our largest “news” outlet, Fox. Americans have been programmed over decades. I’m willing to bet you think you’re smart enough to resist propaganda but here you are believing that all Americans are willingly ignorant and willingly disconnected from the truth.
Also what the fuck are you on about saying those that that voted Democrat are to blame?
If the society is so fucked that majority votes for a felon who failed at an attempted coup and whose election promises are literal dictatorship, then yes everyone is to blame for this situation even being possible. You had 8 years.
And yes you are stupid since your domestic problems end up with you invading former allies and selling us out to the literal enemies of the free world. If that offends you, good, it should. Fix your country before you invade others or get sent to a death camp. We are happy to offer you any support possible but if you think you do not deserve to be called stupid, you need to be taken down a notch cause your stupidity fucked pretty much the entire world. PS americans have always been perceived as stupid, now we just have hard evidence. If you dont like being called stupid, stop doing stupid shit that affects everyone.
You lose all credibility blaming every person in a country, even those too young to have voted in previous elections, even those that have been using every ounce of energy to fight the system for decades, even those that have become victims of the system and live disenfranchised and forgotten. You sound bitter and hateful, when there are millions of people in the US that feel the same way. How can you be so blind as to assume all of any group is complicit? I understand the frustration, but you’re misdirecting it wildly. I’m not stupid, I saw this coming, I’ve been fighting it as long as I’ve been alive, as has my community around me. “Fix your country?” We’re trying. I don’t control the media, I don’t control the propaganda machine, and I can’t educate the millions of Americans that are caught up in it. All I can do, and have been doing, is protest, vote, raise awareness, and live in active, visible defiance of the system.
Good keep going.
And own up to it as an proud american and get through this. Especially if it affects others who can’t vote. Cause democracy setting electing a felon kgb asset comes with a title.
Also if your countrymen justifiably being called stupid for fucking the entire world gets you tilted, you need to toughen up if you want to make it.
The part that had me “tilted,” as you put it was
everyone is to blame for this situation even being possible. You had 8 years.
It shows a general misunderstanding of the political situation in the US. This hasn’t been 8 years, or 20. This has been happening since at least Reagan (the 80s), perhaps the entire history of the country, depending on how you look at it. I don’t even blame every person that voted for Trump for more than being ignorant, depending on the case. Some people genuinely don’t know anything but what their TV tells them and the team they’ve been voting for for 60 years. That makes them ignorant and misinformed, but the real evil, the source of the problem, isn’t them. It’s the establishment and its propaganda machine, which have been doing their thing for longer than any of us have been alive. I can’t blame the average person, because that worldview is one that doesn’t see a good ending where we learn and improve. Most Americans aren’t stupid, they’re powerless, or feel like it, and the majority of the stupid ones are being lied to and misled, not writing the culture war bullshit.
I’m the most hopeful type of person when it comes to the future. For my entire life, I’ve been fighting for something better and truly believing it will happen, and even I’m looking into leaving the country. We’re in a dark time, and it is affecting and could continue to affect the rest of the world too. Blame isn’t solving anything but our own hurt feelings. No one, when blamed, changes their mind. It entrenches them and makes them hide their heads in the sand. We need to, as a class, not as any one nation, band together against the ruling class, globally. Pointing fingers misses the point and is what the ruling class wants.
I appreciate you and agree with everything you said.
Unfortunately I don’t think the person you were responding to is interested in hearing anything that will challenge their belief that all Americans are stupid and we all deserve what we have now.
I absolutely agree that we have to band together and make it so dictatorships can’t exist thorugh whatever means neccesary and raise the happyness and freedom index if humanity and the planet is to survive.
OK, you’re certainly not listening. You’ve had your mind made up for a while that the thing that is wrong with America is American citizens being stupid. It is pointless to continue this.
Have the day that you deserve.
first of all, you don’t know fuck about america so STFU. we CAN’T educate anyone because our education system is in tatters and has been poisoned by the right for a long time.
religion has a stranglehold on common sense across great swaths of the flyover states and capitalism exploits that for its own benefit. the situation has been fucked for a long time, but i didn’t hear you calling for bloody revolution 15 years ago, so just STFU, johnny-come-lately.
so fucking sick of spoiled europeans acting like this is all so easy to fix.
We’re talking down to you cause you have directly fucked us along with yourself with your inability to run your own country. I’m glad your upset, you should be. You’re gonna be hell lot more upset when your friends are dragged off to death camp or when you are loaded onto a truck and forcibly drafted to go fight against your former allies in checks notes greenland.
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2nd amendment is protected by the constitution and you have a better chance of winning the legal battle after ending tyranny by decapitating the government than you do surviving rest of the trumps 20 year term.
That’s funny because it’s been pretty quiet about all of you gun nuts actually growing a pair and doing something.
Do it then, make the news.
we all have to do it to be effective. you have nothing to lose by agreeing and boosting this message. when we reach a tipping point, they won’t be able to stop us. it’s not just rhetoric. there’s a purpose to my message.
You can at least take comfort in the fact that most of those same European countries will also fall to fascism in the next 10-15 years. Everyone thinks it can’t happen to them, even when it already is.
In swing states, where the election was decided, voter turnout was roughly unchanged between 2020 and 2024 presidential elections. So you can stop blaming disenfranchised voters.
I would agree with you if showing up to vote was as simple as just showing up. I’d wager that the majority of people who could safely vote, did. There are many reasons why voters can’t be the sole scapegoat here.
One of the biggest reasons— Voting isn’t safe for everyone.
How would you feel about going to vote if you heard there’s been bomb threats and “private security” turning away people at your polling place? Mail-in ballot you say? Okay sure, but have you heard of poison postcards? What about all the data from after the election that shows how many ballots were unjustly thrown out or went uncounted due to some other form of voter suppression? I voted but have no way of realistically knowing if my vote was counted or altered.
I don’t think voters are the main reason the US is in its current position. Let’s set aside the blame game and look at the people who are truly responsible— the current administration and especially those who fund it. Let’s hold them responsible first.
I linked the website of a nonpartisan project that’s looking at the 2024 election data for fraud. They’ve got a hand re-count lawsuit in progress for Rockland County, NY right now.
We have to educate ourselves and each other since the current administration has made it clear that they’re opposed to education and critical thinking skills. There are many of us and together our voices and actions are loud enough to take this country back.
Let’s be real, a ton of people were at home on their phone when they realized it’s election day and said , my vote wont matter and then went back to doing what they are doing .
So many people just actively were too lazy to vote, let’s not give them an excuse.
People probably did vote, they probably cheated
Im going to say doubtful. Seeing the size of other protests in other countries, it really shows how little murica cares that they are going fascist
That is not the right conclusion. We don’t have a protest culture or union membership to call for or protect protesters, or a centralized population and obvious protest spot. I was talking to an Argentine friend of mine about how it works in Argentina - a handful of big unions who unite and call strikes/protests including the bus drivers who bring moat people to and from work, a centralized population, and an international airport with 1 main highway that can be blocked. Not that all those things are needed to protest effectively, but America has none of that. Hell, we don’t even have healthcare if we’re not employed. We’re kinda starting from scratch.
We’ve also been cursed with nuclear family structure. We have almost no support networks unless you have the money to pay for child care and the like (you don’t). Capitalism has us by the balls.
We have to start somewhere, and the protests will grow steadily as people become energized, the administration’s crimes grow and claim more victims, and people warm to the idea of protesting.
The real danger will be in the summer of 2026. They can’t allow the Democrats to flip either chamber, and take over legislative and investigative responsibilities, so they will do ANYTHING to stop the mid-term election. Protests will be huge by then, and he will instigate violence (perhaps by using his Jan 6 goons, who owe him), then send in authorities to use more violence to suppress the violence. That will give him the excuse to declare Martial Law, and suspend elections until peace is restored. Since he cintrols the peace, that will never happen, and we’ll skate right past 2028 without a presidential election.
People will scream, but the loudest voices will take up residency at the new 30,000 bed facility in Guantanamo Bay.
We have to start somewhere, and the protests will grow steadily as people become energized, the administration’s crimes grow and claim more victims, and people warm to the idea of protesting.
aw, that’s so cute that you think this will change anything
Those countries are much smaller and many have more robust public transportation to reach said protests.
I have a 12 hour day on the 5th and it kills me not to be able to go
We’d all be better off with more critical thinking and nuisance in our lives instead of jumping to the first conclusion that reaffirms our bias
You’re proving their point. Take the day off.
Cool. Pay my rent for me so I can, cause homelessness is illegal now.
You’re proving MY point. Nuance and not jumping to the simplest conclusions is a severe problem we have in this country. You hear something you disagree with and immediately rack it up to "this person is bad because of (insert confirmation bias here)
You have zero clue the situation others are in. Take a seat.
How much do you make for that 12 hours? Do you have cash app?
There are literally two of us that work at my kitchen. We’re both needed.
It’s more than money. I’d need an extra set of hands to cover me, a set that’s trained on our menu and able to feed over 1200 people, as I don’t work a line, I work banquets, parties and wedding ect
Nuance. I keep pleasing for it. Not everyone can be at every protest.
So yes, as I said, it kills me to not be there, but like many people, I’m literally not in a position to
Your workplace has 2 weeks to find someone to cover that shift. Tell them to look into a contracting agency and grab a person for a day. What’s your cashapp?
Two weeks isn’t enough time to train someone to handle over 1200 people and our menu. I do not work a conventional kitchen, as I already said.
Stop acting like it’s a simple solution just because you think you can throw money at me. You’re just compounding how shitty I already feel about being in a situation I cannot control.
Back off. I make it to meetings and protests when I can and have stated multiple times I can’t this time, and you are being completely obstuse about it.
I won’t be taking a seat for I am standing!
On Lemmy with apparently no idea what it’s like to pay rent and bills.
Go you!
You have zero clue the situation others are in.
On Lemmy with apparently no idea what it’s like to pay rent and bills.
Don’t be a hypocrite.
One is a actual fact, the other a sarcastic jab.
Your response is an attempt to act like they’re both the same.
You just want to fight to cope with being incorrect, like a typical American. You’re not getting it from me. Search elsewhere.
You don’t need to physically attend protests to help. Spreading anti government facts and info all the time, talking to people to open their eyes about the situation is a great help and will do a lot more good than nothing.
Literally the enemy has an army of bots spreading misinformation. If everyone who said they can’t do anything to fight back realized they have a very powerful weapon that is low effort, trump would have never been elected.
I have already stated not only to you but others that I already am.
Stop talking down to me. I’m too old for this shit.
Take the hint and back the fuck off.
I simply answered to your post, I am not aware nor interested in your entire post history nor are most people going to be. Relax.
No, you’re demanding personal information and telling me what to do for things you have no understanding of
I’ll not tell you to back off again.
Calm down, man. They aren’t telling you what to do, and are just replying to your reply comment from the other persons comment.
Your comments are starting to seem overly defensive, if you don’t want to take a day off to protest, then don’t, and just don’t reply.
I’m being accused, even by you right now, and being a liar
The fuck
And it genuinely pisses me off
So yeah. Fuck showing support. I’ll just see myself out.
Actually, the cash app guy IS. The problem is I do. I run a catering kitchen with literally on other person. I do not have time to vet and train a replacement.
And I’m getting shit for it. “What’s your cash app”, Cool, when I lose this job, are they gonna pay NEXT month’s rent? Cause finding a new one and making bills on time certainly isn’t happening.
Yeah, I’m lashing out at them (and accidentally one other person) because I know what they’re doing
Now I’m being accused of “moving the goalposts”.
“I can’t make it but I wish I could”
“Here’s money now come”
“The reasons I can’t make it aren’t just money”
“Find someone to do your job for you in two weeks. What’s your personal info so I can send money”
“Can you please understand I’m not in a situation where that’s possible”
"No, I have money (for one month’s rent tops), you just hate your country and won’t fight for it
Ya know, this same site that talks about capitalism, people struggling to make ends meet and living paycheck to paycheck, and I’m being made to feel like shit by one in particular person who apparently doesn’t have money worries, simple solutions to everything, and thinks I’m moving goal posts when I try to explain my situation and why it isn’t simple, all the while pointing out that as a country, we lack critical thinking skills, demand simple answers to everything, and simple solutions.
And I’m being responded to with exactly that, by someone fricken gatekeeping the fact that they have enough disposable income to pay my rent
For a month. I doubt I’d see them next month
Fuck just trying to give support though. Gotta love feeling worse than I already do.
Maybe I really am too old anymore.
… Yo, my guy, no one’s attacking you. Maybe get some meditation in your life.
While I’m also frustrated by the apparent apathy among Americans, we’ve only been under this admin for two months. In Hungary, Serbia and Turkey the admins have been around for much longer than that and the realities and consequences of oppressive government have had time to fully sink in.
That said, I try to be optimistic but it’s very difficult. Many sane Americans are behaving like an already defeated people, and the rest of the country either don’t care or actually cheer for it.
And once this admin entrenches itself, it’ll be extremely difficult to unroot. These are some of the richest and most powerful people in the world, with the world’s most advanced military and massive and heavily armed police force to back them up. And that’s not including all the nutjob private militias that will likely get deputized at some point. We’re already seeing them label the opposition as terrorists, where do you think we’ll be in a year?
I want to keep fighting but I’m not convinced enough of us take this as the very serious threat that it is. And not just to Americans, but to the whole world.
The AOC and Bernie rallies should bring some hope. This is a step up compared to weeks before. Momentum is gaining.
An octogenarian and a woman who half the country has been trained to hate and dismiss.
I wish I shared your hope, but to me, that’s not enough.
I felt less hope weeks prior. Movements are small but are increasing. Its been pretty much mood swings.
I feel for ya. I hope things start to turn around down there but it seems like that will only happen if the people unite. Everyone needs to go on general strike. Shut everything down!
Don’t be a naysayer. Show up and apply peer pressure to others to stand up against fascism with you!
Im not american, so I cannot show up. But I will be supportive of anyone doing so!
Is a big trip
That’s partly because the media is owned by the billionaires and has no interest in portraying the poor as having power over their destiny . Actually it may be entirely that.
No, it won’t. It’s too soon.
What’s the point of protests again?
It’s a show of potential force and solidarity.
Americans upset at what’s happening in America.
To show that what is going on is not allright and to grow into an unstoppable force unless demands are met.
when do we get to the unstoppable force part? I’d like to skip to that bit
If you want to do more than clap back online, I’m sure there are local movements in your area that are decidedly anti-government and likely share your ideals.
Fighting large systems takes a lot of work, so if you do believe this, please find them and help!
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If we could skip to it, I’d imagine we would have already. It takes a lot work to organize into an unstoppable force. Get yourself and everyone you know involved and you’ll see it sooner.