Westworld intro is fuckin great
Legendary intro: Mr Bean
Gotta say: The Simpsons. Danny Elfman made one of the most iconic intro songs, and while I’m not sure the Simpsons was the first to do it, the varying intros was another iconic element.
I really like the intro for Disenchantment as well.
The Greatest American Hero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbErkiebkwo
Dan da Dan. Show itself is alright, but the opening fucking SLAPS
I’ll always enjoy the intro to stargate atlantis just because the whole concept of the city (and it’s appearance) is so fucking cool, even with the noticably… Sufficient… CGI it’s so inherently neat that it’ll remain impressive.
The Captain Scarlet Intro goes hard.
I know Game of Thrones got a ton of hate after a while, but I loved the intros. They were unique to the setting where the episodes were going to take place.
The worst intros are the long ones that never change, but are on every episode.
not sure why it got so much hate, i was expecting s8 to be terrible and it wasnt 😂
The series went to shit, but the intros got me hooked from the very beginning (like, holy hell, what is this?) and I never skipped a single one, even at the end when I was pretty much done with it all.
Also, remember the single episode that just started with the Hound? That was a trip, when you expect the music and map.
They evolved to show the status of the elements on the map as events unfolded, it was honestly a really good subtle recap of major happenings up to that point in the story
And helping people understand westeros. The geography was such an important part of the story, it was a great way to show a map without being boring.
I loved Game of Thrones and Westworld. The music was bangin’ and the visuals were just amazing.
I find the Peacemaker intro quite catchy.
I know it is a spoof but even though I hate it I will watch Too Many Cooks all the way through when it pops up.
Too many cooks is the best wrong answer. Must resisted watching this again.
Lots of bests, but here’s some I didn’t see.
The Expanse.
Babylon 5, especially season 3(?) change with “It failed.”
Old school original Battlestar Galactica.
Knightrider and Airwolf.
Worst? If you can’t remember them, they must be bad.
especially season 3(?) change with “It failed.”
I just watched Babylon 5 for the first time last year, and that part of the intro got an actual spoken “fuck yeah!” out of me
The Expanse intro was so good
Sealab 2021. It’s been 20 years and it’s still stuck in my head
Sealab intro was amazing
Storm warning.
The Wire - same song, different take (Tom Waits, no less)
Best (that haven’t already been mentioned by others):
(The rest are so iconic I’m not even gonna bother linking them.)
- The Twilight Zone
- Gilligan’s Island
- Golden Girls
- The Wonder Years
- The X-Files
- Cheers
Worst: I dunno, because my criteria for “worst” is being forgettable.
- M*A*S*H
- Cops
The White Lotus Season seasons 1 and 2. I find the third season intro really flat in comparison.
Weeds. I believe starting in S2, they start doing the same song, same intro, but in different styles. I believe they even had green day cover it at one point.
I loved the S01 intro!