At the moment I am thinking about getting a new phone in the foreseeable future. I was long time using android, but switched to iOS 5 years ago because of the longer update period. Now also some android devices offer a longer update support of about 5 years. Now I am thinking about switching back to android.

But i am wondering: is there any big difference from a privacy perspective between iOS and android? I know you can go for custom roms on android that are focused on privacy which i also used in the past, but i am not planning on doing this in the future. So it would come down to stock android vs stock iOS. Any advice there or is all lost anyway?

    10 months ago

    Yeah, in my case it’s really easy, just like the other commenter said. Some time ago I’ve been configuring new laptop for my mom. I just installed Firefox with uBlock Origin with default settings and I don’t think she has ever seen YouTube ads.