I think we shoulf reduce meat production and make laws so millions of animals dont het abused every day and i aldo saw the videos but i just like meat so i dont think that everyone becoming a vegan would be a good solution. I of course 100% support if someone makes the decision themself. If a meat substitute is found that tastes like meat and solves meats flaws then i would happily switch.
“I just like meat” is a weird point to make I feel. From a moral standpoint, if you feel it is wrong, it shouldn’t matter wether or not you like the meat (I too remember meat fondly from when I was still eating it). I’ll twist your word into an extreme to illustrate my point, imagine reading this:
“I agree that raping children should be stopped, but I just like children, I don’t think that every one should stop, we should just reduce how much we do it”.
It probably sound like it’s completely ridiculous, but for someone that believe that it is morally wrong to kill and eat animals, this is kinda how you sound.
I’m ok with people not being morally aligned with me, but when they are not consistent in their viewpoint, I can’t help but think they are just rationalising their behavior to ease their mind.
So every omnivore and carnivore is a child molester? It doesnt work in this way. You need the nutrients from meat. Thats why its do hard to make a meat substitute.
I think we shoulf reduce meat production and make laws so millions of animals dont het abused every day and i aldo saw the videos but i just like meat so i dont think that everyone becoming a vegan would be a good solution. I of course 100% support if someone makes the decision themself. If a meat substitute is found that tastes like meat and solves meats flaws then i would happily switch.
I’d be happy if people would just proofread before submitting.
This is lemmy not a thesis paper lmao
Still prefer not to suffer a stroke from reading a comment.
Neat argument
“They’re absolutely right morally but I like the taste so really some systemic murder and rape of sentient beings is OK in my book”
Wonderful morality you’ve got there
“I just like meat” is a weird point to make I feel. From a moral standpoint, if you feel it is wrong, it shouldn’t matter wether or not you like the meat (I too remember meat fondly from when I was still eating it). I’ll twist your word into an extreme to illustrate my point, imagine reading this:
“I agree that raping children should be stopped, but I just like children, I don’t think that every one should stop, we should just reduce how much we do it”.
It probably sound like it’s completely ridiculous, but for someone that believe that it is morally wrong to kill and eat animals, this is kinda how you sound.
I’m ok with people not being morally aligned with me, but when they are not consistent in their viewpoint, I can’t help but think they are just rationalising their behavior to ease their mind.
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So every omnivore and carnivore is a child molester? It doesnt work in this way. You need the nutrients from meat. Thats why its do hard to make a meat substitute.