I just need to rant to those who know: I’m having a bad side effect with one of my meds when taken too close to eating (major RLS for two hours) so I skipped and missed two doses now. Today I’m back at work, in a foul mood and hating life. Now I realize why. DUH. To top it off I see my Psych this afternoon for my quarterly med checkin. I was prepared to tell him I’ve been in a upswing the past few weeks and now I’ve totally crashed in two days. I did this to myself and I hate myself even more for it.

  • Holyginz@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I dont have bipolar so take my little anecdote with a grain of salt. I do have severe adhd though (not the same i know) when I mess up either due to forgetting meds or giving into an impulse, I make sure to tell myself that it’s a simple mistake. It hasn’t ruined my progress or what I’ve done, it’s simply a minor bump in the road that I try to use as a learning experience. Maybe what you did was the right idea for the time but didn’t have as good a timing as you thought or didn’t work quite as planned and you can keep that in mind for the next time?