As usual, I struggle to form a proper sneer in the face of such sheer wrongheadedness. The article is about a furry who was dating a Nazifur and was battered for it; the comments are full of complaints about the overreach of leftism. Choice quote:

Anti-fascists see fascism everywhere (your local police department) the same way the John Birch Society saw communism everywhere (Dwight Eisenhower.). Or maybe they are just jealous that the fascists have cool uniforms and boots. Or maybe they think their life isn’t meaningful enough and it has to be like a comic book or a WWII movie.

Well, I do wear a Captain America shirt often…

    1 year ago

    Holy gold what a shitmine of TechTakes this thread is.

    It’s justified that figures like count dankula pitch rightward when faced with persecution and left-leaning public opinion turns on them. This is the only way they can sustain and get support. Attempting to stay true to your beliefs is self destructive in these cases. Therefore on the other side of the coin, the people on the left doing it are sabotaging their “side” to satisfy personal vendettas, and people caught doing it would in a perfect world become targets of public hatred instead of their victims.

    Oh, it’s straight up justified to double down on nazi shit because people were mean to you for doing nazi shit?

    Battery on someone is never justified for a belief or words someone says. Defeat their ideas with debate and steer them towards a non-violent resolution.

    Yea that worked great in the World Debate II. Discourse of Normandy in 1945, allies stormed the Marketplace of Ideas so hard Hitler’s heart grew three sizes and the nazis were convinved by liberal values after some open-minded heart-to-heart discussion.

    … not through “debate” but through discussion or maybe music, see

    FWIW I once got assaulted by a neo-nazi specifically for singing. Actually, both for me personally and among the people I know, having been assaulted by a nazi is way more common than having assaulted a nazi. The left is full of pacifists who disapprove of violence, even against nazis and people who approve but would not do it themselves. When’s the last time you heard of a pacifist nazi?

    And the top prize for the most up-its-own-ass comment of the thread goes to…

    Seriously, these Nazi/Commie disputes manifest themselves in strange Windows/Linux disputes, iOS/Android disputes, Tesla/The World disputes, and so forth. In my mind it’s all the same and there are many characters involved behaving in this same way.

    Wow, how come I never considered that nazism is just a normal opinion like preferring a certain operating system or a car brand.

    Honorable mention to the hundred varieties of “oh but how do you know someone’s really a nazi before you assault them???” Do libs actually have this much of a hard time identifying a nazi or is there a widespread phenomenon of nice non-fascist type folks eating knuckle sandwiches from people mistaking them for nazis I haven’t heard of?

      1 year ago

      The only place that going Nazi is a “justified” response to left-wing criticism is inside a Nazi’s head. It’s fucking Nazis. It’s not even a good career move, because Nazis are shit friends who will try and pressure you into saying and doing the racist shit that they want you to say or do and they’ll ditch you the minute you stop.