• SmoothIsFast@citizensgaming.com
    1 year ago

    The Dollar is the world reserve currency. Most billionaires wealth is directly tired to its stability. It’s why China/Russia may hate our government but they don’t try and fuck with wall street, they have their value tired to the same piggy bank. Destroying the US economy would directly impact the billionaire class and to act like it wouldn’t is such a fucking cop out.

    So now my family is going to suffer because of something completely unrelated to my role and performance.

    Considering you seem to not give two shits about the others getting affected by shit outside of their control and now that we are working to get rights for everyone else you feel slighted because your fucked corporate role aided in fucking everyone else, I have no fucking sympathy for you. I hope your affected because then you might just fucking get it because you clearly fucking don’t. Go pound sand dumb ass.

    They’ve been offered 20%+ raises, cost of living adjustments, signing bonuses, elimination of tiers, more holidays off, and better profit sharing - which is a huge improvement and gets them the majority of what they are asking for

    They want CEOs, and the billionaires reading the benefits of their work to be striped of most their wealth and redistributed to the masses where it’s needed. They don’t want scraps and what should of been given in the first place, they want fucking change. Honestly the fact you think this is enough clearly defines how fucked your mindset is and clearly demonstrates why you need to feel the hurt from this change. Go cry to your ceo I’m sure he will toss you to side just as quickly as everyone else even though you feel so strongly you need to defend those incompetent pieces of shit.