• SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    For a video about recognizing the ways in which unrealistic or misinformed cultural ideas of attractiveness and masculinity are a huge component in the rise of the incel, black and otherwise, this presenter sure likes to hammer that balding is unattractive. He says “it’s fine to be bald” like one time but all of the context clues and intended humor suggest that he is entirely aware that this is widely viewed negatively in the domain of attractiveness and is using it in the demeaning sense. And then just does the same intended-to-demean joke like three times. Big dicks, giga chads, bald shaming, these are all things I see embraced in left spaces which then hand wring about the negative and toxic forms of masculinity and the ways in which they are reified in culture. I am not singling out this mostly decent and well-intended video as the sole or worst offender, but just another example of doing the thing you say you are against.

      • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        hexbear users try not to embarrass me challenge level 1000: be normal about black art without pearl-clutch . you dont get to call yourselves inclusive if you dont allow black people to used the words they used regularly that they have reclaimed for themselves. this creator is clearly black, if you censor his art/message because hes not saying it politely enough for you, you are censoring black voices. do you want to ban any music that says it either? or speeches? well then you will be censoring THOUSANDS of important black voices and art. also would you do this with the word queer? or other reclaimed terms when being used by the communities that reclaimed them?