The reader of this script is the listener’s therapist, and the setting is her office. She is guiding the listener gently into accepting his new role as a cuckold in his relationship. The idea is to be humiliating without being overtly shaming or abusive. The tone should be professional and warm. Feel free to substitute “wife” for “girlfriend”!

(This script will continue in the comments because the app won’t let me post it at its current length)

——— so how have you been? i know we covered some heavy stuff in our last appointment, and i want to check in to see how you’re feeling.

that’s understandable. it’s important to give yourself space to feel those feelings without giving up on the work we need to do.

so where did we leave off? my notes say we ended by saying out loud what your girlfriend needs that you can’t give her. so i’m just going to pick up from there if that’s ok? ok? good.

your girlfriend deserves someone who knows what he’s doing. she needs someone to take charge

women like to see men take charge, to act like bulls. he is going to take charge of your girlfriend and you’ll see how much she’s been needing it

you are going to sit there and let it happen. you’re not going g to stop it because you know it’s what she needs, and you don’t want to deny her that. that’s love.

you’re not going to stop it because you know if you tried he would put you n your place in front of her, and none of us want that.

you’re not going to stop it because, as we discussed last week, some part of you is curious to see what a real man taking charge looks like. and i think it would be healthy for you to see that.

you want to watch because not knowing is worse torture than knowing. no matter how painful it is to see your girlfriend with a man, your imagination would be worse

you’re not going to stop it because some part of you is so excited at the thought of seeing her fully open up, sexually. we’ve discussed how “prudish” your sex life has been till he entered the picture, and i can assure you that it will not be like that with him.

you said you get “butterflies” in your stomach thinking about watching her pull his cock out, seeing it dwarf yours

i can say from experience that it might seem like it’s not even the same body part.

like it must be something entirely different, for how tiny and helpless yours looks next to it

and honestly, really it’s not the same

you see, you have a penis, because all males have penises. but he has a cock because only men have cocks

cocks are for meant to intimidate, to inspire awe and submission. they are for displaying strength, the ability to take what’s yours. cocks are for fucking, for penetrating, for stretching, they are designed to pump semen as deeply into a womb as possible and outcompete other males in the gene pool.

as we’ve discussed, clearly yours was not designed for that

that is because you don’t have a cock. what you have is a “penis”

a penis is designed for urintation and for your own personal entertainment

it is to give you something to play with while you watch real men mate with women

i know that you know that she will never look at you the same way again. once she’s been with a real man, her pussy will be out of your reach. she won’t stop loving you of course! her heart will still belong to you, but her pussy, her mouth, her tits, her ass, her ovaries, her womb, her entire body will belong to him

not that you won’t get to enjoy them. she may let you get off on her body occasionally, but it will be more as a favor, or as a reward for being a good boy than anything, but you should savor these times nevertheless.


i know that you know all of this.

what i want you to prepare yourself for though is how differently you will view yourself

you’ve seen large cocks in porn i’m sure, but to see it in person, in direct comparison to yours can be 
overwhelming. it might even inspire fear in you.

this is perfectly normal. i don’t want you to resist these feelings. i want you to sit with them, to hold space for them. i want you to feel them fully, to let them rush through you. then you’ll see that they won’t sweep you away.

it’s only when you let yourself feel this fear, this intimidation fully, that growth can begin.

many people in your position can struggle with feelings that they are somehow not a sexually mature adult, while their partners lovers are full fledged men, and their partners women.

this can sometimes lead to oedipal complexes forming towards the woman, which is undesirable if unsurprising (there is a reason your girlfriend calls him “daddy”) this can lead to feelings of separation and being left out.

the solution to this is twofold

first, you need to know that you are an adult. she wouldnt be with you if you werent. you are an adult, you are just not a sexually mature adult, and most likely will not become one. the term for this is a “beta male”.

he is an alpha, and you are a beta. i want you to say it out loud.

good, thank you.

now, betas can have very fulfilling sex lives and relationships once they accept certain truths and make certain adjustments.

some of these adjustments also pertain to the second part, the feelings of being left out, of being ignored

and the solution to this is to

now obviously you won’t participate by fucking, per se, but there are other ways for you to contribute.

first, you need to watch them. to ignore your wife’s lovemaking is to ignore your wife sexually, never mind who is having the sex, and this is corrosive to relationships.

second, you should be naked while they have sex, to show that you are not some interloper, that this is a group encounter

third, you should still provide pleasure where you can. this primarily means using your mouth to prepare your girlfriend, and to stimulate her clitoris or anus while he penetrates her.

fourth, and this is more advanced, but you can use your mouth and hands to pleasure her lover.

you can take a moment. just breathe.

i know this may seem humiliating, but she will feel so supported by you

the other effect this has is that her lover will begin to desire you, or at least the feeling of your mouth around his cock, and the intoxicating effect your total submission.

but this will allow you to regain the experience of being desired!

now, once this arrangement has been in place for a bit, many men in your position begin to notice some feelings that upset them at first

they notice that they desire the bull.

this is nothing to be afraid of!

you see, humans are animals, and animals crave security and heirarchy. submitting to the bull provides a beta with much needed heirarchy

until the beta submits to the bull, there is still unresolved competition betwen them, and i’m sure you know this, but betas do not thrive on competition. their nature is such that they feel overwhelmed and intimidated by it.

once you physically express your submission to him, not only are you signaling to him that he can proceed uninhibited, and to your girlfriend that you support her fully, but you are signaling to your own nervous system that the competition is over, the victor has been declared, and that possible confrontation has been avoided. you are able to leave the state of alert. you finally able to leave the “flight or freeze” response.

no i meant to leave out “fight”. betas don’t have the response we typically call “fight, flight or freeze” but rather just a “flight or freeze” response.

yes, this probably does make many events in your life make more sense.

additionally, being desired by the bull provides you with security that you are wanted and have a place in their sex life.

i know this can be a lot and can bring up some pretty scary feelings, so i want to give you some affirmations. i want you to repeat these to yourself at least once a day, and any time you are having intrusive thoughts of your girlfriend being filled up by another man.

  1. ⁠I am valuable, no matter the size of my penis
  2. ⁠My self worth does is not determined by my sexual prowess
  3. ⁠My presence in the bedroom is needed and valued, even if my penis is not
  4. ⁠Some men are meant to take charge and to dominate, some are meant to submit and be dominated. Letting myself be dominated is living in my truth. In my submission is freedom
  5. ⁠Just as a cock is valuable in giving pleasure to a pussy, my mouth is valuable in giving pleasure to pussies and cocks
  6. ⁠My girlfriend and her lovers relationship is incomplete without me. Their lovemaking both begins and ends with my mouth.
  7. ⁠I am special in my girlfriends heart. For her to show me her pussy after it has been penetrated and filled with cum is to be extremely vulnerable. Even more so to allow me to drink from it and swallow their sex.
  8. ⁠Her boyfriend is not my enemy. If I submit to him and find my place in the relationship, they will both take care of my needs and look out for me.

Ok, our time is almost up. before we go i am going to give you some homework to do before our. ext appointment, and i want to hear how it went when we next talk

  1. ⁠i want you to observe their next lovemaking session. i want you to be naked during it
  2. ⁠i want you to perform oral sex on your girlfriend before he penetrates her. while he is penetrating g her i want you to think of how it is your mouth that prepared her, how your saliva is lubrucating each of his thrusts, how you are involved and crucial to this experience
  3. ⁠i want you to masturbate yourself to completion while watching them have sex. i want your girlfriend to be able to see you when you climax.
  4. ⁠if you are up for it, i would like you to stop masturbating at the moment of climax. this may feel incredibly frustrating, but it will allow you to remain in a state of arousal throughout the entire lovemaking session. ideally, you will masturbate and ruin your orgasm multiple times before her lover finishes.
  5. ⁠i am going to give you some videos tk watch. i want these to be the only porn you consume for the time being.

alright let’s get you scheduled! i can’t wait to hear how this next week goes!

    1 year ago

    Hey, you’re getting downvotes and it’s likely for two reasons: there’s no audio attached to the post, and the stage notes at the start almost sound like directions for an LLM.

    I’m sure there’s a place for this content and hopefully somebody decides to narrate it for you, but as is I think this might do better in a different community.