I know this has been discussed in the past, but I’m still losing sleep over it.

I feel like the modular input system without a single non-standard keyboard available would be such a waste. Sure, you can add or remove the numpad. Hurray. The LED matrix is also a cool gimmick. But those things pale in comparison to fixing a mistake in computing that goes back 100 years.

We all know framework have thought about it and probably still are. They have discussed this topic with the community, giving advice to people trying to build it themselves. They have posted a prototype of a planck-like module on twitter. But (understandably) no announcement of something official, first-party yet.

While framework might not sell millions of such modules, what do you think the impact of a first-party one would be marketing wise? I feel like framework would be seen as incredibly innovative, solving a problem that no other laptop manufacturer has dared to solve.

Here are some potential future scenarios, please add your own if I missed something:

  • Framework announces a first-party ortholinear keyboard module sometime around launch / shipment of the 16 inch model.
  • Framework releases a first-party module sometime in the future, like several years after launch of the 16.
  • The range of official input modules stays the same forever. You get a numpad and different color spacers. The LED matrix may or may not materialize.
  • Framework supports third-party modules with parts (low-profile switches) and or instructions for making such thin custom keyboards.
  • Third-party modules are feasible to do and some are available. They might not be perfect, but you can get one if you want one.
  • Third-party modules end up not being feasible. Available switches are too high to easily create a keyboard that fits. The real deal would cost way too much money.

Please share your thoughts with me, otherwise I’m just anxiously spinning up fanatsies in my own mind, both good and bad. What do you think is the most likely scenario? How much do you care? How much would you be willing to spend on such a keyboard (easily up to $1000 for me)?

A laptop with an ortholinear keyboard. Just imagine. 🤤