Elon Musk pushed to use Tesla’s internal driver monitoring camera to record video of drivers’ behavior, primarily for Tesla to use this video as evidence to defend itself from investigations in the event of a crash, according to Walter Isaacson’s new biography of the Tesla CEO.

Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk is out, resulting in several revelations about Tesla’s past, present, and future. One of these revelations is a potential use for the Tesla internal driver monitoring camera that is included on current Teslas.

  • IphtashuFitz@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You mean the same way Tesla autopilot would deactivate one second before a crash so they could argue in court that it wasn’t active and therefore not responsible. There was legislation proposed to stipulate that a self driving car was at least partially responsible if it was used up to 30 seconds prior to a crash to prevent this dickish behavior from Tesla.