Hi! I started using the Watch stock podcasts app in the gym and it shows a lot of unplayed episodes in playlists and in the show details view. Some of those episodes where certainly played while others are previous from when I subscribed to the show and I’m not interested in as they are outdated.

Went to iPhone and in a per-podcast basis I hit the “mark all as played” button only keeping the ones I’m interested in, but it appears not to be syncing since they still appear in the watch. But I didn’t find a similar button in the Watch app or options. Any help is appreciated

Watch app shows episodes from two years ago, they’re not showing in iPhone main app

  • MedicineWoman53000@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    In my playlist on the watch podcast app I see three dots in the right hand corner of each podcast episode and when I tap those dots it opens another menu and I can mark episodes I am not interested in as played, so directly on the watch. I find this extremely helpful, because I also sometimes have unwanted episodes in the list. I also use that menu to change airplay destinations. I am on the latest watchOS, AW series 8. Do you have those dots?