• soviettaters@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Sounds like you don’t want to work hard. Billionaires got to where they are through hard work. They may have started out as aillionaire, but the vast majority of them worked hard and now own the world because everyone else was too lazy to do the same.

    • SwingingTheLamp
      11 months ago

      What gets me about this “hard work” mythos is just how dumb it is. It just doesn’t hold up to even 3 seconds of critical thought. Seriously though, out of 7 to 8 billion humans on Earth, only a few hundred had the gumption to become billionaires? The option is just laying there, out in the open, and anybody could pick it up, just decide one day to become a billionaire, and then do it? Despite all those people jumping into grind/hustle culture, who are working very hard, yet for some reason have decided not to become billionaires? And those who grind/hustle, and are not financially successful at all, have they chosen that path for, I dunno, love of the game? Or as performance art?

      Can we not think of any material or structural reasons why a child born in, say, Soweto in 1971 hasn’t ascended to be the world’s richest man, while a child born nearby in Pretoria has?