Don’t update if you like swiping between watch faces!!
My biggest regret is updating my watch.
They took away one of the best features and that was swiping between watch faces. On a day to day basis I would use 2-3 depending where I am, what time it is and what I am doing. I had set them up for different things. My main was in the middle and then one to the left and one to the right.
Now in the last few days of having the update I’ve stop using the others watch faces because when I need to quickly do something it’s not quick anymore, I actually have to stop and manually change faces and I never realized how handy it was before because if I need something on those other faces except the main one I just no longer use it.
Yes I realise that it’s first world problems but removing that one feature has given me such a massive distain towards using my Apple Watch for anything besides fitness.
I have the 5 and I was planning on getting the 10 next year because maybe more features I could put across the three faces that I use but now, unless they bring the feature back I’m not buying a new Apple Watch until mine disintegrates.
And yes I realise I may be over reacting but swiping between faces was such an important feature for me!
They have reduced usability across the board. Worst Watch update in a very long time, if not ever. I remain convinced that the person in charge had never worn an Apple Watch before getting the assignment, and didn’t bother to talk to any one who was a regular user (not just a wearer, but an active user of things like multiple faces, the favorites dock, etc.).
Apparently so many people keep accidentally swiping that they had to disable it.
Me too With my ADHD, long press then swipe is a major friction, so I completely stopped changing my watch face manually And I can’t tied them to focus modes because my life doesn’t really have very compartmentalized moments (except for sleep where I have a dedicated automatic Watch face)
Focus modes don’t have to be specific events or times. I have a “personal” focus that has everything I want on my watch face, iPhone lock and home screens and hides all notifications and apps I don’t want to see at those times. I can then toggle it on and off with a swipe and two taps on my phone or a shortcut run from the action button on my watch. I use it several times a week for different reasons.
Yes but I don’t want to have to turn on different focus modes when the only thing that will change is which watch face is showing. That’s ridiculous.
Then don’t. Set a shortcut or automation to only change the watch face.
Copied from another comment: I work in healthcare, to be clear. I have certain faces which have complications I need in medical emergencies but not otherwise. I used to be able to switch to those one handed while resuscitating a patient. I can’t do that anymore. It’s a niche case but there are certainly circumstances in which being able to change things around in under a second was critical.
It’s actually annoying cause I need to switch for Certain projects I hate it 😾
This is has drastically reduced usability for me. I always swiped between watch faces to glance at important information. But bow my primary workflow is broken and I won’t be buying new Apple Watch unless I can use the old behavior.
You can’t press and then swipe? It takes 2 seconds.
I don’t understand the down votes - I agree, it’s still easily doable by just press and holding then choosing a watch face…
Just Reddit being Reddit 😂
the problem is that it takes a lot more, imagine the scenario where you have to change the watchface several times a day, on while doing something with the other hand, I even used to change the watchface with my nose when I hold something with my right arm, now I can’t lol.
I still think 99% of people won’t have a problem with the 0.5 extra seconds it takes and the other 1% are being a bit silly.
You may be an anomaly though they should add a nose mode for you!
For sure. Not really in any conscious way, but I would just randomly swipe through different faces while I was waiting for someone to answer the phone or while a web page loaded. Now just leave it on the one face. The little extra friction is just enough to stop me bothering.
You’ve hit the nail on the head. They’ve added just enough resistance to the gesture to make it unnatural, less ergonomic, less intuitive
You just have to tap and hold for a second and then swipe to choose your watch face. It’s really not that big of a deal.
Three gestures instead of one, takes 3x longer. This is annoying to people. Don’t gaslight them.
oh no now you gotta hold AND swipe to change faces? 😢 thats ONE whole extra step, now I will NEVER change watch faces again‼️ 😾
yeah how often do normal people change faces. i hated how easily it could happen. best feature.
Long press, swipe, don’t make unnecessary dramas.
I used to swap between 2, but now I just take out my phone instead. It’s less of a hassle.
All the people suggesting to use focus modes are assuming that the reason you want to swap between watch faces is predictable and based on time, day, location. What about when you just want to see info that’s on a different screen? Access a different complication on the fly?
I’d have no problem taking 5 seconds to change my screen when I go somewhere else, or on a weekend morning. It’s the dynamic “I need something from my other screen right now” situations where you want the quick swapping and that’s exactly what they’ve made clunky and awkward.
Good point, it was often quicker to swipe and use a complication than to scroll through the app list.
Well, basically yes. More folks do this for example if you go gym or run, you have a face with the needed complications, if you’re at night on sleep time, you get a darker face (I have mine red with blank bg), when I’m working mine have work related complications. That’s the thing, you put usability based on the context. It’s not like you’re going to randomly pull your Snoopy face for gym. Got it?
Create a shortcut allowing you to select a watch face and then put that on your watch screen. Then you only have to press the button to select from multiple watch faces the one you want.
Yes… the button will take up valuable real estate on your watch but it’s an option towards a solution.
They just not willing to accept apple took away a perfectly working and amazing feature to settle with some mid ui experience
It wasn’t perfectly working and amazing to a lot of people. I am certainly in the camp where it would get changed accidentally frequently enough to be annoying. Now we just have a slew of post from the vocal minority impacting by the change for the negative. Also it is not that difficult to change still but less prone to be done so accidentally.
Now if they could do a similar change for iOS with pressing and holding the screen…
Yes, I actually like stylish faces without complications now. If I want to see my fitness metrics I simply turn the dial
I’m swapping watch faces even more. I have them tied to different Focus modes which activate automatically.
I don’t change faces as often anymore. Not because of the one extra step to swipe, but because I finally turned on AOD and have been using the Snoopy face. Those animations make me smile no matter what kind of mood I’m in.
Always On Display
🤦♂️ Could not come up with it.