Recently I was laying in bed, 420 and I had the munchies. I was alone. I laid there for a longer than a while thinking about going to the grocery and what I would buy. I kept thinking about getting halo top ice cream. While laying there and having these thoughts I wasn’t using any device; I was watching TV

I go to the grocery store, I look at the ice cream selection. I ended up getting some grapes and yogurt instead. I PAID WITH CASH, came home, had my snack and passed out.

I wasn’t using any device, I wasn’t talking, texting, emailing, I wasn’t using a web browser, there’s no search history or online shopping. I didn’t pay using my phone or a credit/debit card.

The following morning I wake up, am scrolling TikTok and there’s a halo top ice cream ad in my FYP. First and last time I’ve seen a halo top ad.

So TikTok… a total of three times I’ve told my best friend, “I think TikTok is talking to me?” One day recently I told a white lie that I was at work (I wait tables)— I was avoiding this person. After lunch I was scrolling TikTok and this video comes up and the text on the screen was like “when u told’em u at work.” I kinda had this gut feeling “I’m caught, they went there for lunch.” When I saw them later that afternoon they said to me “I thought you had to work today?” So what I’m saying is TikTok told me I was caught in my lie before I knew I was caught.

Please share your own thoughts and experiences