• Why do you use Crowdin (proprietary, bad for privacy) instead of Weblate (libre, privacy-friendly)
  • Why do you host the project on GitHub (proprietary, bad for privacy, developers located in Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria can’t contribute)?
  • Why don’t you mention any of the FSF-endorsed GNU/Linux distributions?
  • Why do you use a Creative Commons non-free license?
  • Why don’t you recommend Libreboot or Coreboot?
  • smartwater0897@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    Someone needs to decide, yes, or your kind of confrontational personality will cause everyone to be annoyed.

    You literally ask questions without being open to seeing the other point of view here. I’m not going to use tech that makes it much harder for me to be productive just because it’s free. It’s similar to choose to live in a tent in the forest because you feel you don’t want to take a loan and support the banks.

    Just breathe a little bit and calm down. People here are very chill and you just come in here looking for a fight, judging by your responses.

    We don’t have to fight eachother online and people who disagree is sometimes a learning opportunity if you are open to it. They are not your enemy because they have different beliefs.