Image hosting seems like a fairly expensive endeavor, especially if your anticipated user base is just linking to your server from another site. I have a hard time thinking this could be done sustainably without requiring some sort of subscription on the uploader’s end, unfortunately.
any good imgur alternatives? I know they’re doing similar shenanigans to reddit to prep for IPO
My understanding of the imgur situation is that you should actually be fine for now, provided that you’re signed into an account when you upload, and not using it for explicit content.
…Though I hope you have an account that you already registered some time ago, before they started requiring a phone number, if you didn’t want to share your phone with them.
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Sorry, I don’t know. Hopefully you’ll get an answer from somebody more knowledgeable than me
Image hosting seems like a fairly expensive endeavor, especially if your anticipated user base is just linking to your server from another site. I have a hard time thinking this could be done sustainably without requiring some sort of subscription on the uploader’s end, unfortunately.
Also, this is ironic
My understanding of the imgur situation is that you should actually be fine for now, provided that you’re signed into an account when you upload, and not using it for explicit content.
…Though I hope you have an account that you already registered some time ago, before they started requiring a phone number, if you didn’t want to share your phone with them.
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