As we reach the second half of 2023, what are some of the supposed releases, or news you’re looking forward to?

    2 years ago

    Anything about porting games to Apple APIs is completely disinteresting to me. M1 is a great chip, but MacOS is a terrible OS (and I say that as I type on an M1 Mac Mini I use as a TV PC) especially where gaming is concerned.

    Much more exciting IMO is the work being done for Asahi Linux. Getting the M1 to run proper OpenGL 4.5 and Vulkan along with the work being done on Linux X86-on-ARM emulation (box64 and FEX) is a much more promising direction for gaming on M1. I hope we also see other ARM chips from other vendors with the same amount of computing and graphics performance that could actually find their way into gaming handhelds not owned by the worst company for consumer freedom in tech.