As we reach the second half of 2023, what are some of the supposed releases, or news you’re looking forward to?

    2 years ago

    Its also about not using slave labor for the manufacture of your next phone, and about having an open unlocked bootloader with multiple OS options when standard support is no longer possible.

    If its entirely about sustainability, we would keep the same phone we already have until it dies. Fairphone is good at this, probably the best in the Android market, although the iPhone is better because they support their phones a little bit longer if you include security backports.

    Regarding the LCD; there are real problems with people having eyestrain from using OLED phones; it’s why /r/pwm_sensitive exists. So for a lot of people, myself included, Fairphone 4 hit all the right spots except the camera could use improvement.

    I paid something like $700 for my phone. If I keep it for two years from purchase, that’s less than a dollar a day for my pocket tricorder and it doesn’t cause eyestrain for me.