New Subscriber Growth

ThiccMoe [], up 3.8% to 52, (12 posts, 6 recent)

OfficeMoe [], up 1.2% to 39, (11 posts, 6 recent)

Active User Growth

Web Development [], up 191.9% to 264, (133 posts)
Advent Of Code [], up 105.7% to 573, (31 posts)
C Programming Language [], up 17.1% to 71, (24 posts)
KDE [], up 11.0% to 369, (235 posts)
Reddit [], up 9.8% to 602, (466 posts)
Furry Technologists [], up 7.0% to 76, (150 posts)
Final Fantasy [], up 6.5% to 105, (106 posts)
memes [], up 4.8% to 188, (175 posts)
The Right Can’t Meme [], up 3.7% to 298, (65 posts)
Religious Cringe [], up 3.6% to 206, (38 posts)
AbandonedPorn [], up 2.8% to 70, (74 posts)
Movies and TV Shows [], up 2.5% to 735, (228 posts)
HistoryPorn [], up 2.0% to 464, (351 posts)
Blahaj Lemmy Meta [], up 1.8% to 123, (197 posts)
Fallout [], up 1.4% to 29, (56 posts)
videos [], up 1.3% to 456, (14006 posts)
Android [], up 1.1% to 768, (725 posts)
Seriöse Nachrichten [], up 1.0% to 17, (71 posts)
politicus [], up 0.7% to 182, (566 posts)
Bay Area [], up 0.7% to 13, (150 posts)
3DPrinting [], up 0.7% to 530, (675 posts)
Political Humor [], up 0.6% to 290, (733 posts)
copypasta [], up 0.6% to 18, (559 posts)
cross stitch and embroidery [], up 0.5% to 36, (97 posts)
Leftism [], up 0.5% to 254, (95 posts)
Gifs [], up 0.5% to 19, (67 posts)
CustardFist [], up 0.5% to 12, (29 posts)
Microblog Memes [], up 0.4% to 1919, (279 posts)
Shitty Food Porn [], up 0.1% to 53, (77 posts)

Previously Featured in New Subscriber Growth

Forgotten Weapons [], up 1.8% to 408, (93 posts, 42 recent)
The Night Feeling [], up 1.4% to 867, (67 posts, 18 recent)
Sockpuppet Society [], up 0.9% to 155, (18 posts, 5 recent)
9-1-1 Dispatchers [], up 0.9% to 27, (7 posts, 2 recent)
Advent of Code [], up 0.4% to 204, (34 posts, 5 recent)
Greentext [], up 0.3% to 979, (184 posts, 22 recent)
xkcd [], up 0.1% to 5779, (85 posts, 3 recent)
Very Real Tech Pics [], up 0.1% to 958, (138 posts, 4 recent)
Lemmy Be Wholesome [], up 0.1% to 3828, (111 posts, 16 recent)

(Results are averaged over the past 7 days)