locking this since the AMA is now live. go over here to discuss it so your comments aren’t lost!
It’s not on Lemmy? Guess I won’t see it then.
He will only answer planted questions. Mark my words.
He will edit the questions he doesn’t like
Abso-Freking-Lutely is not going to answer random questions like an AMA. He will anser some planted questions and then will dissapear, and tell some news organization or make some tweet about how he had to leave early because of all the negativity and the bridaging and the people swearing at him, and how we would have loved to stay otherwise and answer real questions.
deleted by creator
As comrade Diatlov said, “not bad, not terrible” (in u/spez words).
I wasn’t planning on going back to Reddit, but I don’t think I’ll be able to resist watching the dumpster fire 🔥
Oh that is going to be quality entertainment.
That’s gonna be a disaster. I’m waiting to see how he spins the “why did you lie about your interactions with the Apollo dev?” questions.
As if those questions won’t be immediately removed
I wonder how many downvotes his comments will get.
It will set records
The most ama of all time!
There’s no way he answers that. There’s no way he answers anything. He will pose for a verification photo and then a team of lawyers and underpaid publicists will answer the questions they plant. This is all a stunt.
Redditors have no chill when it comes to minor stuff let alone this API debacle. It’s going to be a dumpster fire and I cant see this going well.
Isn’t Spez the guy that stealth edited some user’s negative comments about him?
I bet it will be massively curated and full of planted questions.
Question: “u/spez, your administration of Reddit is like a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?”
Goodness, I didn’t realize this casual AMA was going to turn into a charged political debate.
Yes I know it’s out of order, I don’t care
@thomas It’s too late
You made my day
Glad i could help
Probably following the Apollo announce. Good luck with that, it’s probably too late.
I don’t think this will end well… People are going to grill him, which he honestly deserves.
It will be a dumpster fire. 🗑️🔥
Dammit, I want an official “dumpster fire” emoji now.
We need to petition the Unicode Consortium to make it so.
I’d sign that petition
I can’t imagine this going well at all. In fact, I’ll be avoiding the whole thing, and y’all probably should too. We wouldn’t want to get accused of brigading and give spez an easy out, after all.
Reddit CEO, u/spez, will be here tomorrow to host an AMA about the latest API updates, including accessibility, mod bots, and third-party mod tools.
Note how they somehow left out 3rd party apps. Just mod stuff and accessibility.
Probably a typo.
(But really how many corporate meetings and emails were passed around to agree on that copy you think, it’s gonna be lawyers all-hands-on-deck tomorrow, probably one of the most expensive AMAs ever with all of those billable hours)
I agree with your parenthetical strongly enough to rule out a typo.
This announcement lists things that Reddit will humor, for now, and as a way of cheaply outsourcing niche and difficult problems. It clarifies that everyday third party apps were never intended to have a future with the platform. They’re simply an obstacle for Reddit’s most convincing path to revenue.
I might even have forgiven Reddit if it had said so up front, but the story they’ve been trying to spin – with prices that just happen to be orders of magnitude in excess of anything devs might afford – is outrageously insulting. I’ve never had my trust in a brand demolished so thoroughly so quickly.
Too bad they fired their dedicated AMA coordinator.
I assume that’s because their goal is to outline why third-party apps won’t be needed. The whole point of this drama is that Reddit wants to get rid of the third-party apps, so they are going to do everything to try to convince people why not having them will be fine.
Yeah them bringing up disabilities, I have a feeling we’re going to see some half-ass disability fixes come in in the next week. Let’s see them get through a full ADA audit (as a software dev who has done that it suuuuuuuucks. It’s needed, but we’re talking months of work
Maybe there will be a bit of empathy after all. Anyone who’s tried to use the official reddit app got a taste of what it’s like to have a disability /s
Okay for real, the amount of people who just do not give one single shit about disabled folks has been disgusting. Fine, you (other redditors) want to make fun of us ‘nerds’ who have been using reddit for 12 years? Fine. Not seeing the big deal about ADA compliance is a different thing altogether.
It’s like Microsoft removing text to speech on Windows, or Playstation banning specialized controllers.
I had a disabled roommate for three years. We were best friends, and I eventually got comfortable enough to joke about it with him. No offense was intended. I was only joking about how terrible the reddit app is.
Oh you misunderstand, I mean in my conversations on Reddit! Just pure vitriol from people over there saying anyone who uses 3rd party apps are stupid/neckbeards/whatever. Lol you’re good, it’s those people I’m annoyed at
Oh, okay! Glad I didn’t come off as insensitive. Yeah, behavior like that is incredibly frustrating to see!
Oh this should be some top tier entertainment. I’ll go back to Reddit for a day to join the fun!
Right? There’s no way in which that this doesn’t end poorly for them. Nevermind that they started this debacle by shooting themselves in the foot, they just keep gleefully shooting it even more, it’s insane. Either the investor money is such a huge pressure that they don’t care, or they just completely lost touch with reality. Or both.
I’m gonna grab some popcorn tomorrow, this will be a cool friday night tragic comedy to watch.