Got 1592 Mark2 recently from existing system Sonos Amp + 702S2.
Was expecting huge improvements.
However, I can only find very subtle differences. Am I doing something wrong for new Rotel amp ?
I play streaming to WiiM to feed into Rotel Amp.
VS Sonos amp is built in streaming.
The other interesting thing is SonosAmp actually very powerful to feed into 702s2. I could turn it on very loud in half volume.
Instead, Rotel 1592 MK2, I need to go above 70 volume at least.
This do surprising me ! ( 125W-Sonos vs 200W-Rotel 1592 )
I do not see too many discussions about sonos amp audio quality vs other traditional amps.
Did someone compare Sonos Amp before could share some thought ?
Have you even considered Sonos Amp ? If not, what’s the reason ?
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