When we get any ice cubes out of the freezer, he’ll go and sit by the water bowl until we give him some. Then he’ll sit there and stare until they’ve melted… Not sure what’s so mesmerizing but he loves them.
Cats are weird lol. At least it is…entertaining?
Our cat loves his daily “cuppa” with ice. He even has his own mug.
He perches above the ice cubes as they quietly screetch for release of this pain. The water sucking the very form and life from the cubes and coaxing it into uniformity. Splendid!
Typical cat stuff basically. Also I do wonder if the sounds of the cubes melting is the fun part
I think it’s the sound or the fact that they will gently move/swirl around/bob up and down. Either way, cheapest cat toy so far!
Yeah I am wondering about the sound too. It makes noise but it isn’t loud enough for human ears. The cat is probably like, oh yeah this is my jam.
M e s m e r I z e d
We have a sphynx and he goes nuts when we use the ice machine on the fridge. Sadly the automatic suspensor broke so I have to fix so that Jax can enjoy that event again