For those self-hosting a lemmy instance, what hardware are you using? I am currently using a small Hetzner VPS. It has 2 vCPU, 2GB RAM and 40GB SSD storage. My instance is currently just in testing with me as the only user, but I plan to use it for close friends or family that may want to try this out, but might not want to sign up for a different instance. My CPU and RAM usage is great so far. My only concern is how large the storage will balloon to over time. I’ve been up for ~20 hours and it’s grown to 1.5G total volume since.

    2 years ago

    If I self hosted my own Lemmy on my home server, just for myself and I posted / uploaded images on it, when another user from another instance views my image, they cache it, would this mean later down the line if I deleted to free up server space, if someone else on that instance was to come across my image after deletion, because it was previously cached, the image would still show?

    Wondering if rolling storage is possible eventually, where an archive of posts older than 2 years is performed and data deleted.