To get more discussion going about Trek, I’m thinking of making an episode-or-movie-a-day discussion thread, going more or less in order from the beginning. So this would mean starting with “Where No Man Has Gone Before” (pushing “The Cage” back and combining it with “The Menagerie”), and following the episode order as laid out on Memory Alpha.

Hopefully this’ll also inspire people to rewatch Trek, even “Spock’s Brain” and “Code of Honor” and “Profit and Lace” and “Threshold” and (god help us) “These Are the Voyages.”

The big question right now is, how much interest is there in gettin’ real nerdy here?

    1 year ago

    I wouldn’t go in order, there’s a lot of TOS to get through which may not drive interest. I just think a random episode from a different series is the way to go. So Monday is TOS, Tuesday is TNG, etc.

    That being said there’s only 50 subs here so I don’t know how you grow that.

    • fiasco@possumpat.ioOP
      1 year ago

      Well I’m not super worried about the number of subscribers, as long as people are interested. There’s a fair question about ordering, whether it’s better to start with the original series or with The Next Generation, but maybe others will weight in on what they want to do?

      The main advantage to sequencing it is that it’s (almost) always clear what the next episode will be. But that doesn’t require starting with the original series.

        1 year ago

        As if this is a question! TOS, of course! I may be biased… However, starting from the start is always nice. Plus, I think there’s a lot to discuss in how TOS was simultaneously very progressive for its time but still held back by some restrictive traditional views. Considering the current social climate, I think that we might be able to benefit a lot from having those talks. Plus, eventually we’ll make it to ‘Squire of Gothos’, and that’s one of my favorite episodes! Or we can avoid this potentially divisive stuff and start with Voyager like crazy people.

        • fiasco@possumpat.ioOP
          1 year ago

          And when we get to “Plato’s Stepchildren,” lord help us. First televised interracial kiss, but man, what even was that.

  • preston@possumpat.ioM
    1 year ago

    Daily might be a bit much, but I’m looking into a way to set up episode discussion bots for both here and ! I think two series, one episode a week might be a good starting place?

    In the meantime, feel free to run whatever discussion threads you like though!

    • fiasco@possumpat.ioOP
      1 year ago

      You can watch both at the same time. In any case, after being encouraged by @blackluster117, here’s the second episode.

      If you don’t know, the first episode was a rejected pilot called “The Cage,” with Captain Christopher Pike (Jeffrey Hunter) in command of the Enterprise and a female first officer who just goes by Number One. Strangely enough, Number One was played by Majel Barrett, who would go on to play a bunch of other roles: Nurse Christine Chapel in the original series, Lwaxana Troi in The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, and the voice of the computer in those two shows as well as Voyager. She would also go on to marry Gene Roddenberry.

    1 year ago

    I am always in favor of gettin’ real nerdy. This reminds me a bit of the podcast The Lazy Doctor Who, where over time (with no particular schedule) the podcasters post podcasts for every episode in order of Doctor Who. In their case they comment while rewatching the episode. A podcast is different than a community post on Lemmy. However, it might be beneficial to slow down a bit and post less frequently to give people time to watch/rewatch the episode in question as context for your posts and thus encourage more discussion among subscribers, particularly as the community hopefully grows over time.