@shellsharks @infosecpub testing a reply
@infosecpub Alright so that works. Just @[community]@[lemmy server] with the first line being the title some new lines and then the body. As you might expect, it posts from my mastodon handle.
Attempting to “reply” to this post sends infosec.pub into a long spin. Not sure if that’s just an instance issue or if responding to a Mastodon-originated post on my Lemmy account is causing the issue.
Let’s see what happens when I reply to this post via Mastodon…
@infosecpub So that *immediately* propagated the reply TO the infosec.pub post. COOL! Replying to the post within Lemmy still seems to be struggling though…
@shellsharks @infosecpub Test test
When I tried replying from Lemmy (using Jerboa) I just got a “language_not_allowed” error and it didn’t work.
@AGTMADCAT @shellsharks @infosecpub
Yeah it’s weird, it’s like a post originating from Mastodon can be interacted with from Mastodon but natively within Lemmy it is borked.
@sass @shellsharks @infosecpub This is the best bug and I love it.
@shellsharks @infosecpub let’s try replying to this post from a different account…
@infosecpub So for people who want to interact with #Lemmy from your existing #mastodon identity, it looks like you have some decent options. What’s interesting is this worked from my infosec.exchange account but when trying to post directly to infosec.pub from my mastodon.social account, it did not work. Could be a mastodon.social issue?
- Replying to it from a different account DID work in adding a reply to the infosec.pub post.
@jerry - fascinating behavior(s) here…
@infosecpub Seems like a potential usability disaster imo. If people wise up to the ability to post to Lemmy instances (or infosec.pub specifically if the issue is isolated to that instance) from Mastodon than anyone who’s using Lemmy natively won’t be able to interact with that post. There’s no way of really easily seeing that it is of Mastodon origin outside inspecting the OP’s user info (which will denote I came from infosec.exchange). You can, as the OP respond to reply threads but for standard reply-ee’s you can only see/respond to the reply threads you started.
For those who don’t want to have separate identities across all these Fediverse services I can see the attraction of the cross-posting from Mastodon–> Lemmy but this is def an issue.
@jerry not sure if this is something tweakable on the Lemmy server either fixing the ability to respond to Mastodon-originated posts within Lemmy or disabling the ability to do this from Mastodon completely until it is sorted out by the Lemmy devs.
@shellsharks @infosecpub One last funny thing I noticed (then I swear I’m done testing this for now), when you upvote a post on Lemmy (which still works despite replies being borked), it propagates to Mastodon as a star. How whimsical!
@shellsharks @infosecpub One last funny thing I noticed (then I swear I’m done testing this for now), when you upvote a post on Lemmy (which still works despite replies being borked), it propagates to Mastodon as a star. How whimsical!
Oh and deletes propagate (mastodon->lemmy) which is cool.
@infosecpub so I can find someones Lemmy handle, search them on Mastodon, find their posts, then reply to those posts IN mastodon and it will reply natively within Lemmy.
Further, I can search for a Lemmy COMMUNITY in mastodon, browse posts and replies and respond to those as well natively within Mastodon. So a full-featured Lemmy browser could (seemingly) be built inside a Mastodon client. So interesting…
#lemmy #mastodon #fediversemigration @ivory @radiant @jknlsn
@shellsharks @infosecpub @ivory @radiant @jknlsn
Have you done any testing with PixelFed yet? I think it should have a very similar interaction…I haven’t done any testing with pixelfed yet. Creating an account is on my list of things to do though. Testing would likely come sometime after that.
@shellsharks @infosecpub sadly, there are no such options in lemmy or mastodon
@lemmyworld users seem to be able to do this. Not sure how much effort you feel like putting into infosec.pub but enabling the ability to reply from Lemmy to mastodon originated posts seems huge.
Haven’t tried all of this with #kbin / #fedia yet so stay tuned…
@shellsharks @infosecpub @lemmyworld I will look into it, but there are quite literally no options to either enable or block this in lemmy.