To celebrate Picard day ( my first time celebrating it ) I wanted to give my thought on TNG so far. I’m about done with the first season and there’s been a lot of good episodes and some episodes that are pretty boring ( sorry 😢 ) however every episode Captain Picard is the reason I finish it no matter if it’s a good or great episode or if it’s a boring episode. Picard is a very stern and serious character but can also be very caring and since he’s so serious when you see those moments of him being caring and nice and going out of his way for others it really shines bright and shows that Captain Picard is one of the best characters in Star Trek. Also Patrick Stewart is so good at his job!

    2 years ago

    So many first seasons of any of the shows feels a lot like the writers are starting with blank paper and having a huge brainstorming exercise episode after episode. I always give a “hall-pass” to any first season on any of the ST shows. Even if the episode is junk, it often times leads to great “what-if” conversations afterwards. I absolutely detested the first season of Discovery, but after that, I did a 180 and quite enjoy it. Strange New Worlds is the outlier for all of this, that show is a billion bars of gold pressed latinum, but that’s just for me.