Apparently there’s some sort of fix in the pipeline related to this, but at the very least, I’d like to be able to type and be redirected to

    1 year ago

    They might be downvoting you because you’re basically declaring the variable twice, with the same name, too. If someone knows better, though, please correct me.

    Either of the following should work just as well:

    var magazineString = 'kBiNmEta';
    magazineString = magazineString.toLowerCase();
    var magazineString = 'kBiNmEta'.toLowerCase();

    Another reason some people may be upset is that they see it as downplaying the complexity of the issue, I suppose, but I’m not going to play psychic here or put words into peoples’ mouths. One thing I’ll say for certain is if there’s anything I learned about any sort of work, is that it’s always far more complicated than it sounds/looks like; applies especially well to software.

    But don’t you get discouraged! Learning to code yields great result even if you decide to not pursue the career with it for whatever reason - it’s fun, it’s rewarding, you can easily turn into something useful, you can contribute to open source, etc. There’s always something.

        1 year ago

        Another thing on the technical side is using “var” is frowned upon. It was replaced with “let” in 2015. The new keyword has over 96% browser support and is safer.

        The gist of it is “var” makes it easy to produce silent failures. That means your code will run but the results will be wrong and you’ll wonder why because there’s no error message. Uncountable hours were wasted fiddling with logic that wasn’t wrong in the first place but worked on “corrupted” inputs. For your own sanity use “let” unless you cannot (legacy systems). You won’t need to consider anything, it just works better. If you want to learn specifics, relevant topics are scopes, variable hoisting and the global object.