For manga, I use Kavita and connect to it with Tachiyomi on Android. I organize these files by hand outside of any system. I prefer this because it synchronizes and works well.
For regular books, I have Readarr synced with Calibre, which I then have Calibre-Web connected to, which then exposes an endpoint for my devices using opds with apps like moonreader+ on Android or an e-ink device running koreader.
I prefer my regular book setup for the organization Calibre brings along with the flexibility of Calibre-Web.
Komga is very stable and about to hit v1.0. it and Kavita have different structure for organization (komga’s being 1 folder is 1 series and kavita’s is some folder and some metadata). Komga is focus on comics and manga and has a great web reader with fantastic integration with tachiyomi and tracking manga/comic progress that sounds to their site and tachiyomi. Kavita has a few features komga does not, such as the ability to read ebooks, send then to Kindle, kobo, and others. They do seem to have more updates but are also still beta now. Both are great but have their strong suits.
For manga, I use Kavita and connect to it with Tachiyomi on Android. I organize these files by hand outside of any system. I prefer this because it synchronizes and works well.
For regular books, I have Readarr synced with Calibre, which I then have Calibre-Web connected to, which then exposes an endpoint for my devices using opds with apps like moonreader+ on Android or an e-ink device running koreader.
I prefer my regular book setup for the organization Calibre brings along with the flexibility of Calibre-Web.
Wait wait wait wait, you can connect Tachiyomi to your own manga host? Well… shit. I know what I’m going to be doing next.
For komga you can and it and enter your komga domain, username and password for access.
I personally use FMD2 to scrape manga chapters
I had no clue it would connect to Tachiyomi! Thanks for the tip!
What made you use Kavita over komga? This is only the second time I’ve read about Kavita, so I’m quite curious for any user experience.
I’m currently setting up a new server and used Komga until now, but I’m willing to switch.
It seemed like it was under more active development, and it syncs with Tachiyomi, it seems to be a better implementation to me
Really? It feels like there’s a new komga version every other day 😅
Will definitely go and check out Kavita tomorrow.
Komga is very stable and about to hit v1.0. it and Kavita have different structure for organization (komga’s being 1 folder is 1 series and kavita’s is some folder and some metadata). Komga is focus on comics and manga and has a great web reader with fantastic integration with tachiyomi and tracking manga/comic progress that sounds to their site and tachiyomi. Kavita has a few features komga does not, such as the ability to read ebooks, send then to Kindle, kobo, and others. They do seem to have more updates but are also still beta now. Both are great but have their strong suits.
Seconded Kavita for an ebook reader. Both it and komga do manga and comics very well, but Komga does not do ebooks