I’ve been here for a few days, so I figured I should at least introduce myself. I’m an engineer from Georgia, and I must say that I’ve been enjoying this little corner of the fediverse, even though I haven’t interacted much.

  • deepgrey@partizle.comOP
    1 year ago

    What kind of engineer are you (out of curiosity). That’s a very diverse field.

    The electrical variety, specifically electromagnetics.

    I’ve been to Georgia once or twice, that Atlanta traffic though…

    Yeah, it’s terrible, and it’s only going to get worse. The right transportation decisions should have been made 50 years ago, but it’s too late now. Atlanta is screwed. I’m moving back there soon, unfortunately, but at least I’ll be able to walk to work.

    • theonlykl@partizle.com
      1 year ago

      Electromagnets actually seems like a pretty cool field to be involved with. Regular electrical engineering has never really been my forte, but always have had huge respect for the individuals in that field.

      Atlanta I try and avoid like the plague when I can (only due to the traffic). Unfortunately they are not alone on not making the right decision decades ago. Numerous cities are paying for that today. Personally wish public transportation would get a bit better in other “majorish” cities.

      • deepgrey@partizle.comOP
        1 year ago

        I sometimes jokingly tell people that it’s black magic and witchcraft. =)

        Yeah. Atlanta would be so much more livable without the traffic. It would be interesting to know what Atlanta would be like if the streetcar network had never been dismantled. I was pretty impressed when I visited places like Milan and Melbourne that actually have trams/light rail.