The mods there have decided to allow underage looking content, skirting close to CP. Unless we want such disgusting stuff on our feed, I think we should defederate from that instance.

Pinging @ernest as well.

    1 year ago

    Underage fictional content is banned in first world countries like South Korea, Ireland, Norway, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and France.

    Ireland is a third world country, literally

    The term “Third World” arose during the Cold War and it was used to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.

    And Ireland remained neutral, like other countries Finland, Sweden, Switzerland or Austria, making those countries third world countries, literally

    Saying or implying third world countries are underdeveloped/poor countries is just a really bad stereotipe and shows your inculture

      1 year ago

      Yeah ok, I really love that Reddit’s crappy pedantry about stuff that doesn’t matter is bleeding into the new world. First world, to most of us not using 50 year old definitions, means countries universally accepted to have decent human rights. The topic reeled into the Middle East’s laws surrounding LGBTQ people, which is a shit argument when talking about banning underage looking content which happens even in countries with great LGBTQ rights. Let’s not pretend that the world is this fantastic equal place where the human experience is just dandy across the board.

      Also I’m from a third world country! Yugoslavia was the founder of the neutral Non-Aligned movement. That makes it, by most definitions, third world.