Not that it is not interesting but I would like just a tad more variety on the front page.
Edit btw for those who are wondering the two communities I started are and (not sure if I have the links correct for people)
Shameless self promotion:
I’ve made Lemmy Scare You! as an alternative to Nosleep, and Now Lemmy Explain as an alternative to ELI5. Hopefully I can make them better than the old places, and I would love if you could start contributing contents there.
Other shameless self promotion: Go watch my movies.
Hope lemmy scare you blows up. I used to read no sleep every night before sleeping.
Edit: I’d suggest changing the name of the community to just “Lemmy Scare You”. Right now it’s also showing spooky stories to scare you in the title name. Also a cover art for the community would make it look more active and might result in more subs
I’ll AI some art for the community banner, really want to get the feeling of people telling scary stories to each other around a campfire vibe down.
I’m worried that changing the name to just “Lemmy Scare You!” could make it less clear about the purpose of the community as a place for creative writing, since it’s not ideal for people to post whatever a la r/creepy.
Great names!
Thank you! Now here’s hope that I can make them great places for everyone.
I appreciate those puns
And I appreciate you too!