Threads? Microblogs? And how the hell do those release to the + button when you post?

I’m right there with you, my friends.

As you all know, #kbin is a work in progress, and this… mag, I guess?, is an early concept in how a larger community might work on kbin. But it affords me an opportunity to learn a few things. Like how to get your posts to show up here on the “home page” of the mag and not buried on the microblog page.

The simple answer: post a link. This is, after all, a link aggregation service. So if you hit that + symbol and choose “Add new link,” you’re well on your way.

But perhaps you don’t want to post a link. Groovy. Then choose “Add new article.” This thing you’re reading right now? It’s an article.

I think that “Add new photo” or “Add new video” will do the same.

The tricksie one is “Add new post.” That one will only put your content under the “Microblog” section, along with federated content that had correct hashtags. So the Microblog tab is a neat place to hang out (or will be, when it’s a bit more stable), but you probably want a to show up on the home page, yeah?

Hope that helps!