I know it’s been done to death all over the internet but not here yet!
If you could choose any actor or actress to be in Star Trek who would you choose?
I recently saw that Nic Cage said he was a Trekkie and I’d absolutely love it if he played an insane alien villain of some sort for an episode or two. Get him in star trek legacy as a crazy ferenghi or something.
David Tennant would make a great anything, but it’d be especially cool to see him as a villain again.
Perhaps as an even more sinister than usual member of the Tal Shiar.
Shohreh Aghdashloo, the actress of Chrisjen Avasarala https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2znSxzcLvvM
deleted by creator
She was in Star Trek Beyond though.
And if Tom Paris needs sage advice from his grand mother, we shall get her, even if we have to pull her from a different universe!
I completely missed that
She played a good admiral, I’d love to see her back.
Jeffrey Coombs hasn’t been in Lower Decks, Prodigy or SNW yet. He needs to get on that!
I want to see him play a Q. Squeeze all of the smarm of Brunt and all of the smug power-tripping of Weyoun into one character.
Conversely, imagine a Q with the energy of Herbert West.
He was in Lower Decks. Played an evil computer, Agimus.
Only a matter of time before he gets to Prodigy/SNW.
You’re right!
Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry as an Admeeral, and Sean Bean as a doomed redshirt.
Sean Bean with a small one time appearance as a doomed redshirt… and he miraculously survives. Then he gives a big ol troll face to the camera before credits roll.
Sean Bean as a species that has a biological function that mimics death but is actually a healing coma.
Keith David. He was great in the outer limits and men at work, and i always wanted to see him captain a starfleet ship.
I mean he’s Admiral Anderson in what’s considered the best “not star trek” star trek videogame of all time. Close enough for me.
It’s just not the same without the crazy eyes and facial expressions.
I know I’ve seen him in a million and one things both before and since, but to me he will always be the voice of Goliath.
Considering the rest of the cast of Gargoyles was a Star Trek reunion, it seems only fitting that he be in the franchise somewhere.
Best I can do is Captain of the SSV Normandy in the Mass Effect series.
I’d like to see Dame Maggie Smith as an Admiral. She’d probably be fantastic at it.
Couldn’t agree more, she would provide serious gravitas!
Okay - some weirder takes here but hear me out. I’d love to see a science-vessel focused on anomaly of the week style episodic writing, with moral and ethical quandaries and personal growth and a search for “the meaning of it all” trumping action, adventure, and universe saving.
Accordingly, I’d want that science vessel to be home to a delightfully nerdy crew of pedants, malcontents and misfits, all seeking something outside of the boring federation life or more militaristic vessels.
The list of people that would be amazing to Star or guest:
Neil Patrick Harris as captain
Felicia day as chief science officer.
Aubrey Plaza on tactical, way too smart and capable for her own good (and sardonic style)
William Jackson Harper (Chidi from The Good Place) as first officer
Warwick Davis as chief engineer, with awesome fully custom/adaptive AR controls and a combo of old-man wit and crazy ideas that gets them in and out of jams
With guest turns from David Hyde Pierce (Niles from Frazier), Kristen Bell, Ted Danson, Donald Glover, etc
Just go full nerd with it like discovery tried to, but without the constant intrigue and epic action. Let them be a family growing together and finding a place where they belong, puzzling through each new chapter together. TNG but for 2023 instead of 1988.
I LOVE the idea of William Jackson Harper as a First Officer. I want to see what he does with a confident character.
Aubrey plaza, warrick Davies and Donald Glover are my favourite of your picks!
I know he’s appeared in the new movies before, but I still think Benjamin Cabbagepatch would make a good Data.
His holodeck episodes would be quite fascinating indeed.
Britishname Cantpronounce?
Banana Cattywampus
*ahem* Moriarty
I’m sure no one would mind if he played someone else in a series, we are an open minded bunch. Plus, he’s just brilliant.
I would love to see/have seen Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick get a scene together.
Me too, loved them as prof x and magneto (even if the films were a bit…) so it would be nice to see them together again
I want to see Henry Cavill play a captain or maybe a klingon movie
Cavill, like all Superman actors, is on my list of people who’d play a great good-guy Betazoid.
Lee Pace and Oscar Isaac. I’m picturing them in movies rather than series.
Keith David
Claudia Black
Jerry O’Connell needs to jump out of a portal, run past the screen and jump into another one. A confused moment later Michael Shanks and Ben Browder jump out the first portal and chase after O’Connell. Shortly after that Admiral Archer does the same thing only he gives them all the Vulcan salute before following the chase.
Nothing is said after, it just happens.
Imagine Browder and Black being John and Aeryn but pretending they have no idea who those characters are while playing them perfectly.
I second and third Nic Cage.
Christopher Judge
…as the ship’s counselor.
Hah! Searching images with text is nearly impossible, but I did see a Martok image about doing battle against depression.
You get an updoot! And YOU get an updoot!
Nic Cage would be awesome. I’d love to see Daniel Radcliffe. He definitely has a lot of range.
Oooh that would be great!
Michael Ironside in his younger days. I would have loved to see him as a Trek captain in the style of his Starship Troopers character, ie a grizzled, take-no-prisoners leader, but would do anything for his people. Sort of a Lorca kind of captain, but Michael Ironside.