• Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I lost a wasp to my floor once… a wasp flew into my office room (im very scared of them, so i legged it). i got some wasp spray and waited at the doornway until i saw it again.

    I (in a terrified flailing of an attempt) manage to get right up tinit and spray it for a few seconds and backed away to the door again.

    I watched it crawl across my desk and go behind a little stack of books and didn’t see it come back out.

    I cautiously and tentatively crept in to look for it and looked behind the books, and it wasn’t there. I looked behind the desk, which is fixed in place and rests on a set of drawa but has a gap at rhe back between it and the wall. I can’t see it down there. I got under the desk and checked everywhere. i couldn’t get the angle with my head, so i stuck my phone back there and took pictures of the space behind the drawers. It wasn’t there. I even found one of these hard drive screws.

    I have never found it, and im almost willing to accept. i made it up because i go mental with boredom when im working from home.

    • justabigemptyhole@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      In a final act of defiance, the wasp robbed you of what you wanted most: the certain knowledge of its demise and the peace that comes with it When I am dying, I too will crawl away to my presumable death, never to be seen again. My enemies will spend the rest of their pitiful lives will be spent glancing over their shoulders and checking corners. Waiting for what will never come. They will never know a moment of true peace. The wasp can teach us a great deal about hate. Hate that is truly real and everlasting. All hail the wasp.