These fucking pronouns are confusing as fuck you know. Even when i play a game and just joined a chat and discord, and people introduce themselves with their pronouns they think im gonna fucking remember that. Whats fucking retarded is them getting upset about shit like this. You can say wtf you prefer to be, them they doesn’t make any fuckimg sense and i hate for illogical paradox sentences, they are not a single person and i cant molest the word they like that break it and bend its meaning. To me a he is a guy, she is a gal, and anyone who identifies as They id really rather call by fucking name. They went shopping is granatical and logical paradox. I dont get why they become offended. They already changed the world so fucking much and all of the identification people use these pronouns. Doesn’t mean the rest of the planet understands or comprehends your bullshit. Why would you get angry about misgendering. Is your gender identity that fragile that it breaks the immersion and illusion whenever someone misgenders someone. Then the problem isnt in them as much as the pronoun people themselves. Grow a backbone for your identity and stick with it. Getting offended is fucking immature and childish. The only reason misgendering is even a thing because people are confused as fuck and dont mean to insult its just a fucking paradox for our Human nature, our natural biological developed instincts…
