Yet another useless use of
…Heheh. Sometimes if it’s getting close to going home time, but I just had an epiphany, I’ll add comments to my code so I can remember my train of thought for the next day. Then I promptly forget to remove the comment after I add the code because I get pulled into some other ‘emergency’.
I do this too, will have a list of todos. There is an atlassian vscode extension that lets you create tickets from todos though so that can be pretty helpful
@odama626 when my brain goes in auto-mode, mine ends up like:
`// opens dialog window
openDialogWindow(){// set dialog config
const config = new DialogWindowConfig({…});// open window
}`mrw the style guide requires documentation for every function
I read peoples code submit descriptions and a bunch are extremely detailed, then the ones after from the same user same day are usually “oh this doesn’t work, should work now” or more regularly “iwqrjtqwiuht”
It’s self-documenting.
Comments? What are comments?