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This is one of the not so insignificant reasons I really like S3 of Picard, Gates McFadden and Beverly Crusher feel like they were validated on so many levels in a way TNG unfortunately never quite did directly.
Some people call S3 of Picard too fan servicey but idk, TNG as a whole has been meaningfully improved for me because now when I have to watch a TNG episode and some weird sexist, cringey scene comes up like this
This is one of the not so insignificant reasons I really like S3 of Picard, Gates McFadden and Beverly Crusher feel like they were validated on so many levels in a way TNG unfortunately never quite did directly.
Some people call S3 of Picard too fan servicey but idk, TNG as a whole has been meaningfully improved for me because now when I have to watch a TNG episode and some weird sexist, cringey scene comes up like this
I can just imagine Crusher
carpet bombing the borg cube
until the cringey scene ends
i havent seen ome person say i was too fan-servicy. i think the genersl consensus is that its awesome
I think it was too fan-servicy. There. Now you have.
I mean, I liked it, but still…
No doubt cringe; but pales in comparison what they put Jolene Blalock through.
Got any specific examples? I’m about halfway through S2 of an ENT rewatch.
You mean for needlessly and overly sexualizing her? All the decontamination chamber rub downs come to mind of course.
Ah, yeah. Wasn’t sure what kind of cringe you were meaning. The decon chambers were 100% a fanservice device.
100%. And if ratings were really down they even put Hoshi in there with her … I kid of course but only half ;-)
that video doesn’t work for me, do you have a direct link?
nevermind, it works if I change to the local instance this was posted on: https://startrek.website/post/61401