• xptiger@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    “Manually or not - do you think they will stay deleted? Reddit has the data, from a technical point of view they can restore whenever they like.”

    It’s easily possible and implies I’m not clever enough to realize ahead that they can store my info even that I’ve deleted (despite their imminent intent is obviously unethical evil to my moral perspective and illegal at least in my country Data Privacy Act of 2012 Sec. 16 (e)).

    (Seems interesting) I should meticulously review again their Privacy Policy and their Terms & Conditions in my free times (hopefully will try🤞) if they may store and disclose my deleted info in their will. It might be my fault for granting them mine in the end (I hope not 🙄).

    I deleted all mine and my account (yet still visit the website until I no longer like and feel not comfortable anymore like what I’ve felt in current 😬📖 and current 🐥📢) because of a fear (based on their recent and sudden awful decisions for those devs and then the mods, despite I’m just an uninvolved user/client-to-them) that they may exploit mine(that are just tinier than speck in a vast database) nearly soon (for AI, why is it a concern at least to me? As a hint, contemplate what the once fine head gone wacky out of nowhere has said to media and his recent posts 🙁).