So ive been told many time sto use godot becasue its for low end computers and it like unity but not. the thing is im not sure where to start or even whihc version of godot would be best to use. there another thing si cant code like at all i usally look up some code or let chatgpt do the wrok or expalin things to me but its usally not too good in that department. but i really want to make a video game and im not sure why or even how to start or what i should make, becasue i keep coming up with ideas that are way to complex.

do you have any tips, advice or something you would like to share with me by chance?

    2 years ago

    I can add some advice here if that’s ok? I’m not a programmer by a long shot, but I do teach basic programming in Python and some coding in HTML and CSS. So I have a little confidence when it comes to learning new coding. I picked up Godot a little while ago, and I’m progressing to the point where I can read code and get a good understanding of what is happening. For a beginner I would recommend the following:

    Watch some good quality videos that get you up to speed with Godot - it’s not completely logical to an absolute beginner. You have to understand scenes and nodes. You have to understand how the file system works and relates to your game. While watching these videos, follow along until you’re comfortable with the interface and moving around it.

    Now put some study in. You’ll need to read some books / articles / tutorials. Rather than copying code (which is perfectly fine to get used to the programme) try to do the simplest game you can think of. So for me it’s a character who can run around the screen. But I want this character to move a little in the style of Mario, so it speeds up and slows down gradually. So I searched on google “Godot how to speed up and slow down gradually” and got a few tips and tricks. But I couldn’t quite figure out why certain things were not working. That’s where ChatGPT really helped me out. I basically asked it “what’s difference between get_action_strength and input.get_vector in Godot”. So I had a good understanding of both pieces of code but just couldn’t figure out what each was doing. In the end ChatGPT really helped me to understand when to use the different methods. So yes, I say use ChatGPT lots and lots, but not to learn how to use Godot but to help you understand stuff when you get into the programming and you have a little confidence.

    As a starter, there are so many channels out there - GDQuest’s YouTube channel is fantastic. There’s a tiny channel called The Guide Knight who has a style of tutorial I can really relate to. There’s also a ton of ebooks out there. To get started here’s a free one with some good stuff in it:

    Good luck, you’re only a little ways behind myself in learning Godot - it’s a heap of fun!