Post your shave of the day for Thursday!

    1 year ago

    June 22 2023

    • Brush: Dogclaration B9A
    • Razor: GEM 1912
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (37)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Fougere Gothique
    • Post Shave: Stirling - Varen
    • Fragrance: Stirling - Lightish Pink

    I probably should have saved this potent combo for a day when I’m in the office and have a 40 minute drive to enjoy it by myself, and not a day where my wife walks into the bathroom and asks what stinks. Live and learn. We’re headed to Miami tomorrow morning for a short cruise so tonight is packing up my trusty Catie’s Bubbles sample tub of Barnegat Bay.