‘NOT TODAY, SATAN’ is part of my regular vocabulary.
Whenever I see a bobbypin, all I can see is Joselyn Fox saying ‘bobbypiiiin’.
What are your favorite things our queens have said?
“It’s chocolate” has become a staple to describe things that suck
“Get those nuts away from my face” to show disgust at anything
“Oh my god”, sang in Ra’Jah O’Hara voice, whenever I’m about do do some heavy lifting or intense cardio exercise.
“Chiiiiild”, said in Jaida’s confesional voice, to show some form of concern for the faith that awaits someone, or to show disapprovalAnd yes, ‘not today satan’ for sure is also part of the repertoire! :D
Oh and "coats are for shop-lifting’ has also become a recent favorite :D
Now me, every time I see a coat.
I randomly quote “So I’m Judy Jetson Hooker?” and “After a long night of hooking” at home
Trade didn’t like the session