Speaking during Tesla’s earnings call on Wednesday, Musk said he needs his teams of manufacturers and engineers to live and sleep at the Texas Gigafactory so any…
And knowing how often re contradicts himself and straight out lies, his words are worth less than nothing.
Yepp. It’s gonna cost $75,000 and his workers will be sleeping on piles of broken glass.
Mentality of a fourteen year old. Thinks he sounds hard, actually sounds like a complete wanker
His brain’s been rotted from all the interacting with 14-year-olds and bots on Twitter.
He’s always seemed unlikeable to me, but I do wonder how different a person he’d be if he’d never developed his Twitter addiction. I think he’s very perceptibly become more narcissistic and shifted his personality to try to appeal to his Twitter worshippers.
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Can we as a society buddy filter out any news with this idiots name until the announcement of his death?
If we downvote harder maybe
I am amazed they haven’t unionized.
Money goes a long way in keeping unions out. Ask Bezos.
Support the union drive at Amazon KCVG airhub! The airhub is a choke point and would be a huge win, as well as encourage other warehouses to unionize.
Can’t unionize if you never go home or get breaks
Elon milk on people’s passion so much they don’t think union is required.
Why do you think he moved to a state with lower worker protections and higher union busting
Unions won’t necessarily fix this.
People literally sleep sand bathe at Kellogg plants and they’re not only unionized but successfully pulled off a long strike recently.
That said they should absolutely unionize, if they’re going to get fucked they might as well elect some lube.
It’s not unions that fix this problem, it’s mobs with pitchforks
Don’t tease me with a good time
If the $100k teslas are falling apart, can’t wait to see the $25k tesla 🙄
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They’re shitty cars, anyway.
It could be the cheapest EV on the planet and I still wouldn’t buy from Tesla.
he needs you slaves to pull harder on those oars
Fuck this guy with a cactus
Now now, don’t do that to a cactus
Fuck this moron
Cartoon villain mindset
If we were living in the wild west, someone would have fixed the Musk problem by now.
American mindset
nesday, Musk said he needs his teams of manufacturers and engineers to live and sleep at the Texas Gigafactory so any issues with the next-gen EV platform can be addressed quickly
Well, I’m sure that won’t trigger any design issues or manufacturing flaws …
But he’ll still be using 100s to wipe his ass.
I’ll start believing him when FSD does what he said it would do back in <checks calendar>