I live with my fiance. It me, her and 4 cats. We live in a relatively small apartment, nothing fancy.

But dear lord how is it possible that two people have so many garbage bags to throw out? I could be exaggerating a bit as I’m a bit overworked so cleaning becomes more tiresome, but seriously - from an environmental to mental health to less chores perspective, help me: what are some tricks you use to reduce garbage?

  • TehWorld@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’ve said before: “The best place to lose weight is not the gym, but at the grocery store”. By not buying snacks and high calorie foods it’s a lot easier to reduce your calorie intake.

    On the exact same front, buy less things with packaging. Bulk items, reusable containers, simply buying less crap. These little things all add up. Generally living a more simple lifestyle.