Getting a ridiculous amount of avo’s on the tree this year. In a rental so i’m not knowledgable about this. What’s a good way to make the most of the season? Theyre staying green on the tree, and taking 1-2 weeks to ripen once picked atm. How long will they stay like this? I presume they start dropping off eventually, is that likely to happen all at once? Do they freeze well?

    1 year ago

    I couldn’t find a good link online explaining this, but I’ve had a lot of luck keeping avocados in the refrigerator.

    The trick is to let them ripen on their own until they’re about good enough to use. If you put them in the fridge, they can keep about 1-2 weeks there at the same ripeness before they start to get softer or ripen further. That’s contra leaving them on the counter, where they’d be ripe enough to eat for a few days.