Do you know what you do when someone doesn’t hold up their end of a bargain? You don’t uphold your’s…
If the FTC forces them to unmerge, it’d make others think twice about lying to the FTC, and give the agency much stronger fangs to bite back with in the future.
God I wish. How likely do we think that’s gonna happen though?
I’ll legit eat a shoe if anything actually happens. Those jobs are gone and those people were just tossed aside like a used candy wrapper.
I wish a company wouldn’t be allowed to do any layoffs or mass firings for a period of three years post merge and require 1 year severance after that, to all employees at that company, not just those affected by the merge.
Fine, but I’m giving you crocs to eat. Used ones. Kill two birds with one stone.
Basically not unless /another/ anti-trust lawsuit is brought against them, and also somehow Teddy Roosevelt time warps into exactly Biden’s location, explodes him Dr. Manhattan style inside out, immediately asks for a fitting suit, signature glasses, and this somehow stuns everyone into just letting him be President for the rest of Biden’s term.
Pretty sure they will only rack up a penalty for it. That said, they could make it sting though, that would also increase FTC’s power.
Penalty? Don’t you mean just another cost of doing business?
Force a fine and three years severance to the affected employees.
Make the fine the last 10 years of activision/blizzard gross profits.
Make the fuckers bleed.
As usual, big corps get finger wagged while avg citizens get life in jail for pot.
From what I understand, it doesn’t work that way. Which is why they are appealing to the 9th circuit court. They’ve been doing this with little success for half a year or so and it’s unlikely they’ll succeed this time either.
Can the FTC force an unmerge? I hope they aren’t toothless like a lot of the other captured regulatory agencies.
The FTC can’t afaik but the justice department can and has forced companies to split up.
You think a corporation would do that? Just go in front of the FTC and lie?
Surely not, right? RIGHT?!
FTC for the past 60 years: “You lied to us? Great job, kid!”
FTC under Lina Khan: “You lied to us? We’ll see your ass in court.”
We might not win, but golly it’s refreshing to see someone try.
So unmerge them!
Seperate Activision from Blizzard while you’re at it.
Peel Zenimax off and break it further apart.
All these mergers… I’ve yet to see a single one end up with positive outcomes for the consumer, the employee, or really anyone other than the shareholders.
It’s Blizzard in name only. Unmerging won’t magically fix it.
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It’s okay, soon there won’t be any Xbox… And we’ll have no choice but Sony or PC
Isn’t that because people voted with their wallet? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oooh Got me there. You’re right. Microsoft has been below mid for exclusives for years, backwards compatibility has been the only edge on Sony.
GameStop leaked in a now taken down tweet that the Microsoft event has named Xbox game pass as Microsoft Game Pass.
Not good
Now all restaurants are Taco Bell.
Vote with your wallet! Don’t eat in protest!
“But all my friends are doing it!”
Maybe just prevent MS merging or buying anything ever again until they fix shit. Ultimately, if their assurances aren’t worth shit, any case they put forward cannot be believed, and to the contrary, will likely be unreliable.
If you can, force them to split in certain areas.
What did Microsoft ‘promise’ for this merger? Also, is breaking that ‘promise’ even breaking any merger rules?
They pinky promised, so it means more. And hurts more when they break the promise.
🐆 8 my 😶
Cool. The ftc can go shove it up their ass