Do it. Demand zero subsidies for Elon.
Do it. Demand zero subsidies for Elon.
Cites Doctorow quite a bit while ignoring that Doctorow recently came around on BlueSky.
My answer to “why spend money fixing Bluesky?” is “why leave 20 million people at risk of enshittification when we could not only make them safe, but also create the toolchain to allow many, many organizations to operate a whole federation of Bluesky servers?” If you care about a better internet – and not just the Fediverse – then you should share this goal, too.
Found the Randall Wray enjoyer. :)
You’re not wrong. Burning is what they used to literally do in earlier times, and the conceptual model today is exactly the same even if there’s no literal burning.
People don’t like hearing it though. Idk why.
No one.
Remember, the government is the issuer of the currency. They don’t need to collect dollars in order to spend them.
Imagine a referee removing a point from a participant.
The point doesn’t go anywhere, waiting to be reused, it just gets deleted. The next point to get added isn’t the “same point” in any sense, even though the point total is the same and maybe even some physical point token got reused.
Conceptually, sovereign currency is always on a one-way trip from being spent into existence to being taxed into annihilation.
Doctorow likes to put it as “hitting them right in the dongle”.
No one:
Everyone: adds a pointless “No one:” above perfectly valid memes
(Copy-pasting from another thread)
I like Cory Doctorow’s plan.
The reason Canada got tariff-free access to sell to the US in the first place? Canada agreed to enforce penalties for tampering with digital locks, following the premise of the Digital Milennium Copyright Act.
If the US is going back on the deal, then Canada should too. Make it legal to jailbreak all US tech.
Doctorow advocating for this plan:
Yep, I caught that one too. He’s a fantastic orator. He’s got an endless arsenal of one-liners.
I added a link to that and some other instances where he’s made this argument.
I like Cory Doctorow’s plan.
The reason Canada got tariff-free access to sell to the US in the first place? Canada agreed to enforce penalties for tampering with digital locks, following the premise of the Digital Milennium Copyright Act.
If the US is going back on the deal, then Canada should too. Make it legal to jailbreak all US tech.
Doctorow advocating for this plan:
Cool towering cooling tower
Tracking down my references to obscure cognitive science podcasts gives people a sense of pride and accomplishment.
…much like the escalation from vegetarianism to local-first, as described by McRaney’s guest whose book cover features a rubber duck.
with Grammar skills, like THAT you could Easily(!!) Become:PRESIDENT!!!
My arc of knowing stuff about Scott Adams:
Seems typical for Retroid.
The Snapdragon 865 offers good bang for the buck in the RP5, so it’ll probably be similarly cost-effective in this form factor.
I don’t personally see the appeal in a widescreen clamshell, since you get so much empty space in the middle. But if it’s your thing, this will probably be a great option.
It at least fixes a common complaint with the RP5, which is the position of the thumbsticks.
Starting at $939…
It’s not deep state, it’s a coup.
In essence, a coup is a 1) rapid seizure of state power by unelected actors, who acquire that power by 2) seizing critical government infrastructure and 3) weaponizing it to neutralize legitimate government actors’ efforts to stop them. The unelected actors then use this power to 4) remake the rules of the political game in a way that cannot easily be checked or undone through democratic processes.
I don’t see anything worth ditching an original for, but it does seem like a worthy successor.
Pick two communities.
Probably a “more accurate but less popular” community and a “less accurate but more popular” community.
Post in the “more accurate but less popular” one. Cross-post that to the “less accurate but more popular” one.
PS: Given your name, I’d expect you to have an opinion already.
“They don’t need to collect dollars in order to spend them” does not mean “They ought to spend dollars and not collect them”.
I’m only describing that collecting X amount from tariffs does not imply that spending must necessarily increase by X somewhere due to some kind of conservation of dollars that the OP seemed to assume.