What are you currently hooked on? Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Historical?
Came back to wargaming after a looooong break and got back in with OnePageRules’ Warfleets beta. Been playing a lot of that with the couple people I’ve roped into playing with me. Currently drowning in STLs from patreon subs that need printing/painting for when I get around to trying Grimdark Future but I haven’t found any other players nearby so far, just lots of Malifaux and 40k players.
I’m currently playing Chain of Command and Infamy Infamy! Going to have an intro game of Bold Action with my son tomorrow. On the work bench are more Soviet infantry for Chain of Command and WWI German Infantry for Through the Mud and the Blood.
I was on a longer than a decade hiatus in war gaming (mostly due to kids) after years of painting/playing 40K, Mordheim and some WH fantasy. I asked some of my old crew for a recommendation for a small scale skirmish game with accessible rules to get my boys interested. I got lots of lukewarm recommendations for Kill Team (“it’s cool, but the line of sight rules are unnecessarily complicated” etc), but one friend suggested Frostgrave (competitive) and Rangers of Shadow Deep (cooperative). I did some research and got the RoSD book, and I’m blown away. These games are miniature agnostic, and the rules are streamlined, but in my opinion, this has been done very skilfully, so the game remains deeply tactical (if you wish to make it so). It’s fantasy themed, so it probably wouldn’t appeal to those looking for a strictly historical game. The same author (one Joseph A. McCullough) also released a SciFi themed game using the same system called Stargrave.
I am building an undead army for Warlords of Erehwon, planning for a custom Undead Pirate army and writing army lists for WoE. It appears that i am definitely hooked right now.
Haven’t played warhammer40k, but enjoying the audio books, like Horus heracy
Triumph! In tabletop simulator. Looking a renaissance version of L’Art de Guerre for real life.
After trying out several systems and learning about what jives and doesn’t with me, I’ve finally settled on Kill Team and historical SAGA, with the occasional dabbling elsewhere 🙃
Just set up my new copy of War of the Ring. Never played before so I’ll be learning as I play. On my big table I have Death in the Trenches set up but I’m almost done with that. Once that’s done I’ll be replacing it with Pacific War, I’m also playing that online with a group but nothing beats the physical game!
How long does DITT take to play? I haven’t played any of the more “sim” wargames but I’m guessing it takes quite a while?