Subscriptions! And “Don’t sell the bacon, sell the sizzle” You get to pay for every minute you use ‘your’ computer. If they do this I expect the hardware will be free, but you pay $32.50 a month for normal usage and $50.99 for any compute minutes requiring extra CPU or GPU (including ChatGPT or any AAA game).
On the upside - perhaps there would be an easy way to switch between VMs and do multiple things at once. Also, your disk space is unlimited but priced per Gb.
No consumer wants this. Microsoft wants this.
Exactly… I do use windows, but I if this becomes mandatory I will be 100% on Linux immediately.
Why does Microsoft want this? What’s the benefit of encouraging people to use VMs instead of running Windows locally?
Subscriptions! And “Don’t sell the bacon, sell the sizzle” You get to pay for every minute you use ‘your’ computer. If they do this I expect the hardware will be free, but you pay $32.50 a month for normal usage and $50.99 for any compute minutes requiring extra CPU or GPU (including ChatGPT or any AAA game). On the upside - perhaps there would be an easy way to switch between VMs and do multiple things at once. Also, your disk space is unlimited but priced per Gb.