Can I/you pay the models on OnlyFans to have sex with them? No.
Then it’s not prostitution. Porn stars are not prostitutes either. Sex work doesn’t make you a prostitute. That’s a very specific line of work and this ain’t it.
Oh if you’re confused about what I mean it immediately places people looking for a side gig in a position to make less money than they expect and get solicited for prostitution while exposing themselves online in a way that causes big issues in other careers
Can I/you pay the models on OnlyFans to have sex with them? No.
Then it’s not prostitution. Porn stars are not prostitutes either. Sex work doesn’t make you a prostitute. That’s a very specific line of work and this ain’t it.
Oh if you’re confused about what I mean it immediately places people looking for a side gig in a position to make less money than they expect and get solicited for prostitution while exposing themselves online in a way that causes big issues in other careers